Wednesday 11 March 2015

Keeping motivated!

As my weight loss slows into the final phase, rather than obsess over the numbers on the scales (which I do!), I've decided to focus my attention on getting fitter and more toned. 

I've been and 'investigated' other forms of fitness, as per my March goals and have signed up for a Legs, Bums and Tums session tomorrow. Quite a big deal for me who hasn't done an exercise class in 20 years! As a result I've been to Bath today on a mission to find a good sports bra. I've gone down from a 38 to a 34 which made it a very expensive morning, as I ended up getting fitted for an everyday bra too!

I even went out for a run yesterday - the first in a year and surprised myself by how much I could run and how good I felt after it, although my legs ache today, it was much easier 3 and 1/2 stone lighter. Last time when I suffered terrible shin splints I was trying to run every day, I've decided to run no more than twice a week, do 2 exercise classes a week, continue with my walking and when the Lido opens in late May, add that into the mix too.

I've had to buy new leggings and tops too - I tell you it's expensive losing weight and having to buy all this new stuff! Although saying that, I wouldn't turn back the clock and go back to how I used to be. 

 Jeff and I had to go out for drinks on Monday night and for once I felt comfortable and confident wearing my size 10 trousers and little Toast jacket.

As you can see, I by no means starve myself and even enjoyed lunch out in the garden yesterday.

So no more worrying about what the scales say - what will be, will be. It might take me a little longer than I'd like to get to Target but I will get there eventually and find/settle at my 'happy weight'.


  1. You have done so well and looking great

  2. Looking fabulous! New beginnings x

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  4. I've started a "£s for lbs" jar. For each pound of weight I lose, I'll put a pound in the jar, so when I get to target I should have about £40 to spend on new clothes - I know it wont go far, but it will be a help. You are looking great now and you are my inspiration to keep on going to Slimming World, I've made a slow start, but as long as I'm going downwards I dont mind if its slow.

  5. you look great. and good luck with the exercise classes.

  6. Thanks for the lovely supportive comments everyone.

    That's a great idea Joy - it will be nice to treat yourself once you achieve your goal - maybe you could get hubby to double it!!

    I do believe slow and steady is key to long term success - I guess I'm in no real rush but would just like to achieve things sooner rather than later x

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