Tuesday 3 March 2015

These things......

..... are sent to try us!!

What a rubbish way to start the day - hit a pothole on the school run, winced as it happened and sure enough full on puncture. Luckily a friend leaves for school later than me, so could scoop the kids off the roadside and take them to school. I meanwhile waited for a very nice man from Phillip's Tyres in Shepton to rescue me, change the tyre then followed me back to Shepton. So the result - not just a new tyre but a whole new wheel and the tracking needs to be checked. An expensive and stressful morning all round.

This was the calm scene as I left this morning, wishing everyone on Instagram a 'super day'!
Not so super for me in the end but no one was hurt, just one 15 yr old suitably embarrassed at having to stand by the side of the road, worried she'd be late and one non-plussed 12 yr old, hoping he would be late and miss some lessons!

Hope you're having a better day x


  1. Oh no! What a pain! Not a good or cheap start to your day! That sounds like a very dangerous pothole! Perhaps you should inform the council about it?
    He he re your kids reactions! Typical teens!
    Hope your day has got better.
    Mandy x

  2. I think the following is true, ie not sure where I've read it. But if you contact the council and they are already aware of the pothole then they are liable for the damages. If not, then no chance and not sure how likely they are to pay, but maybe worth a try?

  3. I can apparently try and claim - have taken photo's of the offending pothole and will give it a go - I've nothing to lose!!
