Wednesday 1 June 2016

Under my umbrella....

Pinch and a punch .....Hello June!

Five and a half weeks until Sophie and I go to Sorrento, so that's the same five and a half weeks to lose a couple of pounds before we go. Ideally I'd like to be at the bottom end of my target range before we go, so I can indulge a little once we're there!

Sophie and I headed to Bath for a little retail therapy today leaving the boys at home.

I bought myself some shiny pumps for Rome - the perfect footwear! 
and with a bargain 20% off, I couldn't resist.

We lunched at Prezzo's as they have a 'light' menu option and I use my Tesco's vouchers to pay, so it always feels like it's a real treat.

I'm not sure how long the Bath Brollies are up for 


I'm guessing they're inspired by Agueda in Portugal, where during the month of July many streets are covered by floating umbrellas to offer colour, shade and something interesting to look at. 
It certainly brightened up a grey damp day in Bath.

1 comment:

Angel Jem said...

In Portugal, the brollies provide shade from the sun..... in Bath, it's a good way to shelter from the rain!!