Sunday 12 March 2017

Bit of un aupdate

As you know, orders last week all went a little mad! You ordered in the 100's (thank you) and as a result, I have had to temporarily take down the website. I have been working my way through them all on a first come, first served basis, in case any stock issues arose. This has meant the process has been slower but fairer. I should finish these today and then my intention is to do an updated stock take on Monday and Tuesday, making the website live again on Wednesday. It will close again, if and when there is a big flurry in orders,  I will then catch up, re-open and continue with this cycle if necessary, as I'm also doing supply teaching all day Thursday. 

I can't thank you enough - there were a few of you, 5 I think, who had problems placing your order and I shall be in touch with you as soon as I've updated the stock levels.

I'm off now to get making up, picking and packing - the postman is going to love me in the morning!

Have a great Sunday 

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