Sunday, 25 June 2017

Birmingham bound!

So we have apparently just experienced a 'heatwave' or as I would say, a few days of lovely weather. 

Yes it was hot but blink and it's sadly over.

Thankfully, I guess, it was cooler for our trip to Birmingham - the next stop on our University Open Day Tour! School had an Inset day on the Friday, so Sophie and I got the bus to Bristol, then train to Birmingham, staying in a Premier Inn overnight. We spent the afternoon 'doing Birmingham' so Sophie could get a feel for the city, as the University is campus based and just a train stop out of the city. Birmingham has really improved from when I used to go 30+ years ago. The train station alone is vast and then there's the Bullring Shopping Centre and the lovely Brindly Place by the canal. We met an old school friend and her daughter on the Friday evening, which was a great chance for a catch up and for them to chat about where they were looking at for uni choices.

So up bright and breezy on the Saturday morning, we enjoyed a good breakfast at New Street Station, fuelled ready for our day at the University. The campus was huge but had a great feel. We ticked off the Economics talk, followed by a tour of the accommodation area, quick bite to eat, then a campus tour. With a couple of hours to fill, we explored the Subject Hall and Student Guild, a quick peek in the Library, then headed back to the train station for a much needed coffee and sit down.

It was a great day and as a result, I think Birmingham has jumped into 'top spot', with Exeter now in second place. Still the matter of getting an offer and the subsequent 3 'A' grade entry requirement but I think she may have found 'the one'. We still have a few more to see - Surrey next Saturday, with Cardiff and Southampton the weekend after, battling it out for the insurance uni choice. 

I'm really enjoying it, having a good look around. Much to Sophie's annoyance, I'm one of the Mum's asking lots of questions but as I keep telling her, this is your one chance to ask actual students about their experiences there and more often than not, I think the students are glad to be asked, rather than just standing there waiting around. So I now have been tasked to do some accommodation research, as Sophie's working all day today and work out how to get to Surrey next Saturday!

Hope you are having a lovely weekend.

Sunday, 18 June 2017

It's been a hot one!

What a week of gloriously sunny weather, at last and.....

....... I've certainly been making the most of it!

 I've struggled working inside, when there have been gorgeous blue skies outside.

Although alfresco dining is a must!

Today is Father's Day and Jeff has spent a day relaxing in the garden. A big shout out to my Dad and Jeff's Dad too, who I hope are enjoying a gloriously sunny day, relaxing too.

Saturday, 10 June 2017

Ready for the weekend

Wasn't the best start to the week and back to school after half term. I don't feel like we've really started Summer yet, more warm sunshine is definitely needed.

I've been in school all this week, scribing, reading, invigilating and teaching, so a busy week for me and more of the same for all of next week too.

We have thankfully, finished exams in this household. Sophie sat her last Physic's exam on Thursday and we all breathed a sigh of relief. It's felt a bit of a slog and I do hope all her hard work is rewarded on results day in August. If it were down to effort, she deserves A's all the way!

So last night I sat on the sofa shattered, looking forward to a day at home pottering today. I've done a big food shop, two lots of washing, caught up on other bits and pieces and am just about to do lunch. Jeff and Sophie are at work, so a quiet afternoon to catch up with everything. Sadly no sunshine in the forecast but it's dry, so may potter out in the garden and tidy things after the windy day on Tuesday. Love a quiet weekend at home with no plans - have a good one x

Sunday, 4 June 2017

Half term hols

So the half term is over! It's been a busy week, mixed weather and a few house/garden projects started but a week is never enough.

My sister and niece came over for the day on Wednesday, then my Mum and Dad brought Granny up for lunch on the Thursday. We were treated to a lovely sunny day, which meant eating outside was a 'must'. 

Sophie and I were up and out early on Friday, for the first on many University Open Days. Exeter is the closest and was a good one to start with. She's done lots of research about the course content and place, grade entry requirements and accommodation etc. Exeter and Birmingham are 'on paper' her top two, as they offer the best courses but also have the highest entry grade requirements. Southampton and Cardiff may offer a slightly lower grade requirements and then Surrey is in the mix too but I worry about how expensive it will be, once she lives out in a house etc. Lots still to see and consider for us all, with Birmingham next to see.

Then to end the half term in style, Jeff and I headed to Birmingham to see Take That! last night

Car essentials 

As always, they put on a fantastic show

(not my photo)
All Saints were the support act and were good too - I'd forgotten some of their old hits.

(not my photo)

(my photo)

I didn't get too many good pics but as Jeff said ' just enjoy the show'. I think I may have converted him into a Take That fan after 3 shows now!

Of course you leave these shows on such a high and I must say, for the first time once it was over, I did feel a sense of relief once we were out and in the car. My thoughts were with those at the recent Manchester attack and then as we drove down the M5, news of the terrible London attacks were unfolding. It must be heart breaking for all those affected, but I do believe we must keep doing things, going to events, sharing just as much the enjoyable things in life or why live.