Sunday, 22 April 2018

What a difference.....

....the weather makes.

This morning I enjoyed the first mug of coffee of the day, outside in the garden, in the warm sunshine - the most perfect way to start the day!

The weather this week has been, on the whole, lovely - warm enough for the flip flops to venture back out and.....

.... warm enough to eat tea outside!

The roof has been down and...

....we've been busy out in the garden.

Both Sophie and Sam have been revising, just 3 weeks until exams 'proper' start....

...although Sam did have his French Speaking this week.
I gave him a Lego Star Wars advent calendar, as an exam countdown - just a bit of fun to get him through the next 8 weeks. Sophie doesn't need the same encouragement, to 'keep going' she's pretty self motivated and has Reading Uni in her sight's.

I'm feeling pretty motivated in my continuing weight loss/ management. Lost another 2lbs this week, just 5lbs to be back at target, 8lbs to see me sitting at the bottom end, which is where I want to be before the Summer and especially before we go on holiday.

Still walking every day in April, may consider starting to run again in May, will see how my hip copes.

Had a rare treat day out with Jeff yesterday.

I dragged him along to see 'The Band' musical at the Bristol Hippodrome. I bought tickets ages ago for Sophie and I but she's bogged down with revision, didn't feel she could spare the time, so Jeff came instead. To be fair I drag him to all my Take That concerts and so secretly I think he's now a bit of a Take That fan, which the musical was based around. It was a great show, didn't know what to expect but it would resonate with any 40/50 yr old. Was actually quite emotional in places, funny and of course the best music, with the boys from the TV audition show, singing all the Take That hits.

What was lovely, was coming out from the show, out into warm sunshine, driving home with the car roof down and enjoying some gorgeous weather. I really do hope we get a good Summer this year. The winter has felt so long and depressing this year, sunshine most certainly makes life better. This photo was taken from our bedroom window - so lucky to be able to see Glastonbury Tor every day, when you open the shutters each morning.

I also can't quite believe that it's now a year that I closed up shop, on dots and spots. Where has the past year gone? Seems like only yesterday we were clearing out the unit and handing over the keys. Certainly made the right decision for us all as a family. I like having set hours, like to know what I'm doing, like a pay packet every 4 weeks, like being around people, feeling part of a place. I might 'just' be working in Sainsbury's but for now, it is the right thing for work/life balance - no stress, no responsibilities = a happier me. 

Jeff goes back to work tomorrow, a 5 week term, half term, then I think he has just 4 weeks before he breaks up for the Summer. Saying that, this term is always full on, to be fair every term is so busy for him and as usual, he'll work every Saturday all day and do his late boarding house duty. In September he starts a new role/promotion but gets to give up a few of the other roles he does. This is why I work at Sainsbury's, he has no flex in his job, in term time it's so full on, so by me working less, I scoop up everything else and keep us all on an even keel.

 I work Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday this week, no overtime but have a few extra school runs penciled in for extra revision sessions. The weather doesn't look as great, so just a regular week ahead - have a good one x

Saturday, 14 April 2018

Mid April, still waiting for sunshine!

Mid April and 'finally' we have been forecast some decent weather - first sign of sunshine and it's out to the bottom corner of the garden to soak up the sunshine. Jeff's still on holiday and has next week off too, so hoping to get garden jobs ticked off the 'to do' list!

I've spent the last few days slightly under the weather - nothing specific, just feeling 'odd'. Back ache, slightly nauseous, exhausted and as a result have slept for hours and hours. Thankfully feel a bit like my normal self today, good job as I've a 6hr shift tomorrow, then 8hrs on Monday.

Just about managed to still get a daily walk in, I set myself the challenge to walk every day in April, regardless of the weather, just 15/20 minutes around the block, at a pace fast enough to get your heart rate up - so far, so good!

Really want to get out in the garden now, so really hoping the forecast for good weather is correct. My rhubarb has finally made an appearance, I thought I'd lost it and as I couldn't pick it last year (first year growing) I'm looking forward to harvesting some over the coming months. Want to grow peas, beans and courgettes again and we're debating about pumpkins this year. Sweet peas and sunflowers are on the list too, just need to work out where to grow them.

Fingers crossed we all get some much needed sunshine this week, have a good one x

Sunday, 8 April 2018

Easter holidays done (for 2 at least)

How lovely has it been to have 2 days of sunshine, to wake up, come downstairs and for the sun to be streaming into the kitchen! It's the little things that make me happy.

Although we have also had our fair share of the rain too.
I've kept up with my pledge to 'walk every day in April', even in the rain!!

Walking miles around the shops in Bath with Sophie and.....

....around Cribbs in Bristol. 
I met up with an old Uni friend for lunch - she live in Cheltenham, so the perfect halfway point.

Had a day off on Friday, which meant a four day weekend really. Bath on Thursday, day at home Friday - taxi service in the evening for Sophie. Then Slimming World, food shop and wardrobe de-clutter on Saturday. Was actually pleasantly surprised by how many size 8 and 10's still comfortably fit and now only 7lbs away from being back in target!! 

Both Sophie and Sam have been busy revising all holiday, although Sam has been under the weather since Thursday, on the mend now but you realise how quickly time is ticking away now before the exams. Less than 2 weeks and his French Speaking will be done! He hates French, we pay for a tutor, she's brilliant but we're still all crossing everything, to just get a pass. So much time has had to be spent on something he hates and don't we know it!

So good to get the washing out on the line, not quite warm enough to sit out yet, the wind has been on the chill side but there is hope now for warmer, sunnier days ahead.

On Friday I was taxi service to Sophie, a pub in Godney, the middle of nowhere! Benefit of being out at that time in the evening, capturing this fabulous sunset. Can't believe the holidays are now over for Sophie and Sam, Jeff still has another 2 weeks, as he broke up a week later and gets an extra week to make up for having to work Saturdays. I'm working as normal but he can do a few of the normal chores I do, like the washing, odd school pick up etc, so it'll be like a mini holiday for me too.

Have a great week.

Sunday, 1 April 2018

March into April

So this morning we welcomed in the month of April,
a quarter of the year done already!!

Jeff celebrated his birthday this week - a young 49! 

Time to enjoy the last year in his 40's before the big 50 hits next year!

I received a little thank you from work this week for selling the most scratch cards in aid of Sport Relief, not bad for a newbie.

Sophie is continuing to be fabulously focused on her mini 'health' target. In just 2 months she is beginning to look and feel a lot better in herself.

Last nght to celebrate Jeff's birthday, Easter and have a catch up with Jeff's side of the family, we all met up and went to ASK Italian in Wells for a meal. It's always nice to have a get together, particularly as my older niece and nephew are away at university. Sam is by far the tallest in the family now and at 15 there's still time to add on a couple of extra inches!!

So this morning April arrived, ever hopeful the sunshine will follow...

The boy was happy with his egg and ....

.....I enjoyed mine!

I've set myself some goals - easy, achievable and focused for the new month ahead.

Have a great April.