Saturday 20 August 2022

Autumnal feels

Highlight  of the week has to be COLDPLAY

Am still in a bubble of Coldplay Incredibleness!!!

The rest of the week has sort of felt in limbo! 
The end of Summer feels are real and there's the distinct feeling of back to school, end of summer looming! Always is once the exam results start coming out.

My walk with Lynn on Thursday had all the autumnal feels and I think we'll be in for a very early autumn, due to the early summer heat and lack of rain.

The sunflowers out the front are in their second wave of flowering. The middle height row flowered a month ago now, but the dwarf sunflowers are now in full flower and the taller band are just coming out too. It's made for a wonderful display again, across the front of the house.

So Jeff has 2 weeks of summer left, one and a half if you count INSET days. Sophie now has confirmation she'll be in Cardiff, no start date yet but a flurry of activity on line with DBS, security checks etc. So she's now in flat hunting mode, just as Jeff's gearing up for back to school mode!! 
Sam is feeling sorry for himself as he's working, he'd rather not but doesn't that go for us all! He still hasn't had any proper confirmation about his course change but Jeff's read everything through and thinks he'll be okay. He still has Reading Festival next week, followed by a week of nights, then heads back to uni mid September. 

I love them all dearly but am ready for a bit of peace and calm and a little routine. I love the lazyness of summer, the no agenda days but now they're older and I'm still working through the summer, the relentlessness of food ideas, food shopping, cooking, timings, constant washing, comings and goings is just so all encompassing. So next week is completely fluid. I'm working Sunday, Monday, have a meeting on Tuesday. Sophie wants/needs to go to Cardiff flat hunting, I'm hoping to squeeze in a day trip to Cornwall before the bank holiday weekend, possible Thursday walk but it'll depend on everything else. It's all go!!

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