Sunday, 16 March 2025

Gallery week 3....already!!

My time in the gallery is marching away. I have just the one week left of this exhibition. It's been a quieter show on the visitor front but I've been busy archiving, so easily filling my time.

It's hard to think we are already halfway through the month of March. The weather has been freezing this past week, waking up most mornings to a frost. Everything seems to be behind this year. Only just, has the magnolia really started to flower, and where it's normally gone within days, it's sticking around a while longer, due to the cold.

Lynn and I managed to walk a stretch of Coombe Hill woods this week. The cold has hardened off the mud, just enough to actually walk some of the woodland paths. It made a nice change.

I think I may have gone in too soon, washing and de-bobbling my jumpers, ready to put away until next winter. It's been so chilly, I could have done with the choice.

I got my hands on a new 25/26 diary. I like to plan!! And I like a paper diary!! 
I get far too much joy, than is probably normal, filling in a new diary!! 
But it gives me thinks to look forward to.

It's been lovely having the lighter evenings. We've had the most beautiful full, bright moon too.
 I will never tire of this view of Glastonbury Tor from our bedroom window. 
It's ever changing and in different lights, beautiful. 

Today (Sunday) my one day off, I met up with my Uni partner in crime over at the Newt. We were supposed to go a month or so ago but the weather was bad, so we postponed it until today. The weather gods were on our side, albeit blumin freezing! But to be fair, it was just lovely to see each other. We just pick up from where we last left off. I don't think we could ever run out of things to talk about.

The grounds were looking lovely, even in March!

This is the difference in growth 2 weeks on, from when I was last there. 

So, going forward. I have one week left at work, which means just one week until Sophie and I go to Italy. They have had the most awful weather over in Florence and Pisa. Huge amounts of rain and as a result, flooding. The river Arno is at full capacity. We won't be seeing beautiful reflections in the river when we are there, for sure!! It's terrible to see and I hope there is not too much damage for those living there. It's like the rain in Valencia on our Spanish trip, all over again. Let's hope things settle down a little this week xx

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