Sunday 26 May 2024

What a wash out!

You wouldn't think it was nearly June!!!
It feels more like Autumn, than late Spring/early summer!
I would go as far as to say it's been cold!! 
And don't even get me started on the rain!

On a brighter note, Jeff sold his Peugot 205. After a few back and forths' on Facebook Marketplace, it went quite quickly to be fair.

Sadly what also went, was the young fledgling blackbirds. We found a dead bird on the lawn and later, when he looked into the nest, it was full of dead chicks. Something, most probably a magpie, had got to the nest. We ended up taking out the whole nest and disposing of it and it's contents. So sad. I'm really hoping this might be a lucky one that survived.

Talking of survival......I survived another week. 
Had a few other computer related issues, all quite stressful but I had someone more capable with me, so got through it and had the added bonus of having Friday off! So I got my hair done and had a Chiropractor appointment and started the half term week feeling better.

Met up with my Uni friend Claire on Saturday in Frampton, a village in Gloucestershire. She lives in Cheltenham and works in a really demanding job, so I was happy to go a little further for a meet up. Had a lovely walk along the canal and as always, talked non stop! It's always the way, we just slip back, as if we'd seen each other yesterday. We were lucky with the weather and enjoyed a pub lunch, outside in the sunshine. The only downer was the drive back. With it being Bank Holiday Saturday, the motorway was at a standstill, so I came off at Bristol and avoided the jams. Although it did mean I added on an extra hour to the journey, albeit I was moving!!  

 Jeff finished for half term on the Saturday lunch time and Sophie was at home when I got back. Like me, she'd endured the Bank Holiday traffic, having spent the morning with Sam, helping his revise his Economics. He's got two exams next week, then that'll be his second year done!!

Today (Sunday) has been a quiet day at home. 
The forecast wasn't great and sadly it was spot on.....rain!!!
Jeff managed to do a bit in the garden first thing, before the rain set in. Sophie and I popped out to do a quick food shop before her friend popped around for lunch. I wish we'd gone away now. It doesn't look like the weather is going to get any better!!

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