Sunday 2 June 2024

Half term

Half term has been a mixed bag of weather! 
We've started the week off, wet and cold, and 
have ended with a gloriously hot, sunshiny day.

I met up with my Uni friend, Claire, on Saturday and lucked out with some sunshine.
We met at a lovely village called Frampton, so easy to get to up the M5, just forgot it was a Bank Holiday, so the journey back was loooooong!!

Sophie had the same problem on her way back for the weekend. She'd been helping Sam out in the morning with some Economics revision, so left later and had the same issue. Anyway it was nice to see her for a few days. Her friend came over on the Sunday for lunch and then we went over to the Newt on the Monday.

Beautiful alliums in the car park!!

We were on the whole, lucky with the weather, just a downpour towards the end, before heading home.

Jeff and I popped over to Wells in the evening, to see the Amy Winehouse film.
Such a waste of a talented individual.

Sophie headed back Tuesday morning as it was rainy!

It pretty much rained all day...

...everything's looking green but.....

....I think we've had enough now!!
My car went in for it's MOT and thankfully passed for another year.

Thursday was cold and grey but as is the case for a few days, the sun makes a bit of an appearance at the end of the day. So we went around the block...

...the buttercups are still looking fabulous.

So lucky to live where we do.

Sam had his final exam on Thursday. 
Year two done!!!
He now has 4 months off!!
Well, a mix of working, moving house and enjoying himself!

I watched the final of Race Across the World. I LOVE this programme. I'd love to travel spontaneously, but without the time pressure, lack of funds etc that the contestants endured. We joke that we'll do something similar in Europe to start. Close our eyes, stick a pin in a map and work out how to get to wherever it falls. If we did it out of main holiday season, it would be easier to find accommodation. A sort of inter-railing but a bit less planned. Let fate do it's thing. Might be fun!

Thursday also marked the end of May. 
A month dominated by exam invigilation and rubbish weather!

Pinch and a punch.....hello June!

And it actually started off sunny! Phew!

I was supposed to see my sister on Saturday but she's super busy with work, so we moved it to an evening in a few weeks time. As we had no plans, Jeff and I pottered over to Glastonbury.... the Abbey, for it's 'free' Summer Open Day. I had no idea how vast the Abbey grounds were, hidden behind the walls. Really beautiful! There were craft stalls, food stalls, live music, axe throwing, owls.......we only stayed a couple of hours but must remember it for next year

And then I took Jeff up to the top of the high street, to see the fabulous Dahlia Mural.

It is simply stunning!!

Today, Sunday, is the final day of half term and we have sunshine!!
So glad I'm not working in Sainsbury's on a Sunday anymore!! Jeff ran first thing, but we've basically spent all day out in the garden. Typically, next week is going to be sunny, just when it's back to school/work!! It's always the way!!

And tomorrow marks the 4 week countdown to our Greek adventure!
Sam and Sophie will be taking it in turns to be in the house, water the plants, make use of the garden etc and be our taxi to the airport! How the tables have turned!!

Next week is full on exams but then it all slows down for me. Just a few exams peppered in the remaining weeks. Sophie and I have a few days in Cornwall, visiting my Mum and Dad and then I have a few days up in the Lakes, meeting Uni friends for a long weekend. And in between all that I need to clean the house and make sure we have everything for our trip!! Catch up with my sister, walk with my friend, put a few coffee dates in the diary....busy, busy, busy!!

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