Sunday 25 August 2024

Another week of getting stuff done!

Finally!!!! Jeff's study is presentable.

He hates sorting stuff but.... now pleased with the results!
He has a neat and tidy desk area....

.....a reading corner.....

...and still has a sofa to take his Sunday afternoon snooze on!

The only new piece of furniture in there is the shoe store from IKEA. 
Everything else was in there already, or has been repurposed from the rest of the house!

Sophie and I did go to Ikea though on Wednesday. 
I needed another footstool as Jeff wasn't great at sharing the new one!!! 

And of course we bought a few more bits!
Who doesn't go to Ikea and come out with a trolley load of stuff they didn't need!?!

So we now have a footstool each!

I also bought some curtains to hang in the sitting room. 
Made use of Sophie's GCSE Textiles and got her to hem them up before she headed back to Cardiff. 

They look okay! They'll be permanently closed, as the old sofa was badly sun damaged. We only go into the sitting room about 8pm to watch the TV, otherwise it's empty but the sun rises at the back of the house and is in that room until midday. These curtains are thin enough to keep the room light  during the day, but will stop the sun fading the sofa (fingers crossed!)

On Friday Jeff and I had to go up to school to do some safeguarding training and I popped over to the Gallery to say hello, pick up some flyers to hand out and have a sneaky peek at some of the art work which has been delivered. I'm looking forward to this exhibition. I'll be there for the 5 weeks, hosting the Exhibition, from Weds to Sat, 9.30 - 5.00pm. It's completely free, you just need to sign in at the Gatehouse (safeguarding) and come and say hello!!

As Sophie left and headed back to Cardiff, Sam arrived!! 
He hasn't been given many hours this holiday at work, so decided to do a Car Boot Sale. So he and Jeff are currently over in Cheddar at the Car Boot. It's the biggest in the area and does get a lot of people buying and selling, so worth the 5am alarm.

He has all his old Thomas the Tank Engine stuff and lots of Lego, which we re-acquired when Granny passed away. It had been stored up in her loft, and has been shoved up into our loft or stored in a corner of Sams bedroom ever since!! So no better motivation than needing some ££££ 

So I've had the house to myself this morning!
I've done two loads of washing, it's perfect drying weather, windy!!
Too cold to sit out, so I've been pottering around inside. Jeff goes back to work on Tuesday! He has meetings and then INSET on Friday, before the boarders return on Sunday 1st and school term starts on Monday the 2nd! I then don't start in the Gallery until the 11th, so have a bit of 'me' time to see friends for coffee, go for a few walks, etc. Last year Sophie and I were getting ready to go to Amsterdam!! Sadly no trips together this autumn, but we do have another theatre trip in the diary to look forward to!! It's been lovely seeing the pair of them this holiday. It's nice that they like to spend time at home and come and see us but are also independently living their own lives!! 

It's Sam has been sorting through his old train stuff 
(He was always a Thomas the Tank Engine fan)


 and Sophie getting out her old first sewing machine... you remember fondly those earlier years but realise how grown up they've become. Time passes by so quickly. This summer has come and gone. I don't feel ready for it to be September and the start of a new school year. Sophie has had her promotion at work and is enjoying her new role. Sam will be going into his final year at Uni, although term doesn't officially start for him until October!! The years are whizzing by so quickly. I think that's why I take so many photo's, I like to remember all the happy days that have past. The big events, holidays, get togethers but also the incidental moments, when they just pop home, sew up a curtain for me, do a car boot!! I feel very lucky to have our little family unit xx

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