Monday, 30 April 2012


 I went out on my walk today with a spring in my step - for the first time in about 2 weeks it wasn't grey, cold and wet, the sun was actually shining and by 2 thirds of the way around. it was actually feeling quite warm!

But what weather we have had - yesterday in particular was very stormy, so much so that a number of trees have come down along the back of our house and in Collette Park. Fingers crossed, better weather is now just around the corner. Workwise, I am still very much involved with my dear swan. I thought the 2nd layer would whizz on but how wrong was I! It's taking much longer than I thought. I have 12 days to get it finished, varnished and returned - looks like I have another busy week/end ahead of me.

1 comment:

En4tainment said...

By the end of it i bet the swan will look great