Sunday 20 October 2024

Finally, some dry weather!!!

Started the week with a little catch up time with my two!

I popped up to Cardiff on Sunday, to see our two before we go away at half term. 
Went to Cribbs en-route for a quick look around before continuing on.

I love the fact they're both up in Cardiff and .....

....I can stay over at Sophie's.

So I got up around 2pm. Had arranged to meet up with Sam and go to the coffee shop. It had been his mate, Smithy's birthday and they'd all been out, semi hungover and all in need of Breakfast!!! All, being Sam, Poppy, Smithy and Celia. So good old mum to the rescue!! Sophie met us there, having already been out for brunch with friends. I then went back to Sophie's, stayed the night and then we went into town together the following morning.

Found Paddington!!

Did a little shopping....

....a few more tree decorations!!

Met them both for lunch, paid for by Sophie! Then headed back home!

Tuesday, I met up with Lynn. We both had free National Trust day passes, so we wanted to squeeze in a visit to Stourhead before they ran out and whilst the autumnal displays were at their best. It was a misty, murky, damp day but we made the best of it .

And got to see the bonus pumpkin display there, ready for half term visitors.

Wednesday was wet and I mean biblical rain again!!
I used my time to organise my wardrobe space, sort out the holiday cupboard and got my Christmas 2024 notebook all set up and ready. Whilst in Cardiff we decided on our breakfast bag categories, and so I can now start to squirrel things away and decide on a few extra rounds.

Thursday was dry, so I went to the woods. 
My first time this year. 
I've either been working or it's been raining on my days off! 

It was super wet underfoot and was dripped on but......

....I found what I was looking for!

Their was an abundance of fungi finds but most had already been munched on by the slugs.

And the autumn light and colours were stunning.

Sam popped in for tea, a flying visit. Smithy had some stuff stored at a friends house, that needed shifting, so Sam drove him down, they popped in for tea, then headed back to Cardiff. Annoyingly Jeff was at school and I could have had a night where I didn't need to cook, but still, it was lovely to see him!

Friday, was another dry day, so I headed to the Newt. I have a tick list of places I need to go to when it's dry. And I want/need to go to the Newt at least once a month, to make the most of my membership.

I love it when it's Apple Day celebrations.....

..the displays are always beautiful.

Unfortunately the woodland/deer park is closed off until March, as they need to treat Ash Dieback. There won't be anything left and it means no deer spotting for a few visits.

There is enough other stuff to see...

...and always a lovely 'something different' to see too!

Plus the pain au choc and coffee are worth going for alone!!

Each season, time of year, time of day, gives you something new to see.

How fabulous was this spiders web!

Jeff broke up for half term on Friday. He spent yesterday doing a few jobs out in the garden, whilst it was dry. We got loads of washing out on the line, did all the bedding etc. It has just been so wet lately, that you really do feel you should make the most of any dry weather.

I however, spent my day de-bobbling!!!

I was in two minds the other other day, when sorting out my wardrobe, whether or not to keep half of my jumpers, as they were looking so badly worn and bobbly! Anyway, I researched lint removers and de-bobblers and bought one off Amazon and I'm so pleased with the outcome. Why have I not had one of these before!?! Not only do the jumpers look great but it is such a satisfying thing to do!! I'm 7 jumpers down, about another half a dozen to go!! But I feel I have a new wardrobe and doubled my jumper availability!!!!

Today has been a 'do jobs' kinda day! We're off to Spain for a few days and the kids will house sit between them! The joys of being able to work from home! Am not gonna lie, I am so looking forward to a little sunshine and blue skies. I really have felt down with the constant grey, wet, rainy weather we've had to endure recently. We can't have a wet winter, the ground is already soaked to capacity and off the back of a pretty miserable summer, I need some blue skies, warmth and sunshine. So the cases have come out of the holiday cupboard, ready to be packed with shorts and t-shirts, and I can't wait!

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