Saturday 12 October 2024

My stint in the gallery is done!!

What a busy week.

So on Monday I met up with my mum and dad, two thirds of the way down to Cornwall, just past the 'Nearly there trees'. It's a good spot to meet, as dad only has to drive one third of the journey and there's a nice spot for lunch. It was my mum's birthday the day before, so perfect timing.

And their seasonal displays were looking fabulous. There's a café there, and a restaurant and a lovely gift shop and farm shop. Resisted lots of the yummy bits!!

Tuesday was horrible! It rained all day, relentlessly!!
I had a couple of exams to invigilate in the afternoon and I got soaked!

Wednesday, it was back in the gallery for my last couple of days.

Thursday was the final day!

I enjoyed my day off on Friday. Met my friend Sam for coffee early afternoon, then headed into Bristol for the evening to meet my sister, after she finished work. 

It had been her birthday the day before and we always try to do something together, rather than buy each other gifts. So this birthday, we got tickets to see the newly reformed Fairground Attraction. We first saw them when I was 17 and Jo 18, at Birmingham Hippodrome in 1988!!

Eddi Readers voice was still just as brilliant as it ever was, and it was great to hear the many tracks of our youth from the album 'The first of a million kisses'. A 'PERFECT' evening.

I was tired this morning, going into work. But I was only there to liaise with the artists collecting their work, and did a little tidying. So that's it for this exhibition and that's me done now for the next few weeks, until it's back in after half term to invigilate the Yr 11 mock exams. Hence, I'm writing this a day early, as I'm heading up to Cardiff tomorrow to touch base with the kids and have a little retail therapy in Cardiff! Jeff just has this next week to get through before it's October half term. I do feel the last few weeks have whizzed by. It doesn't feel like 5 minutes ago, I was starting this run in the gallery and now it's done. Looking forward to a week of catching up with friends and just stuff in general before we go away!

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