Thursday, 15 August 2013

A little bit of baking

School holidays are always a juggle of work and family life. Enough work to keep things on an even keel and an extra dollop of time with the family doing things we normally don't have time to do. Always top of Sophie's list is baking! So after a bit of inspiration from Mary Berry she decided on.......

....... cheese scones.

I left her to her own devises, pretty much - just helped with the tidying up!

But I must confess, they are absolutely delicious - warm cheese scones for lunch.
Yummy! I don't bake that much because the end results are always so tempting!

Sam decided he wanted to have a go too, so this afternoon biscuits were his recipe of choice!

And they were delicious too - too much temptation in the house now!


Lisa said...

Both bakes look delicious and your two are growing up aren't they!
Lisa x

dots and spots said...

It's quite scary how quickly they are growing up Lisa. Both at Secondary school in September!!

Crafted by Carly said...

Well, now I'm hungry!!! The baking looks so yummy!!! Your little ones are putting my cookery skills to shame, I'm afraid!
Hope you're having a good summer!