A while ago I shared with you my new love affair with Pinterest - a space filled with visual pinboards. Last time I showed you a few 'pins' off my board titled 'Jars of....' - this week I thought I'd share with you a few pins from my board titled 'Just lovely' A board filled with lovely things that don't fit on a particular pin board but are as the title suggests, just lovely.

There is no real reason for them to be there other than the fact that they look lovely and made me stop and think when I saw the original image! Here is a link to the pinboard - have a little look at some other 'Just lovely' images.
All gorgeous!
i love the rag quilt ! thanks for my parcel of cards which arrived today....something else...'just lovely'...
and a lovely catalogue too !
thank you
aptly named.Might have to repine a couple of those.
just lovely! :)
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