Monday, 4 February 2013

Fresh Start

I realised, in less than 4 months I will be enjoying the sunshine in Ibiza and I have at least a stone, if not a little more to lose between now and then.

My 'Move more, eat less' campaign has been resumed. 

My daily walks around the park are possibly speedier than normal, due to the cold but a quick 20 minute burst has to be better than doing nothing.

The occasional hint of Spring spurs me on, with the hope that Spring and it's warmer, sunnier days are just around the corner.

I'm also trying to eat more sensibly again - reduce my carbs, smaller portions and lots of fruit and veg. I haven't been focused since October really, once work exploded into mad business but I am pleased to report that the scales weren't too unkind just 4lbs damage. So with a wonderful holiday to look forward to and aim for, I'm going to get in the zone and lose those pounds - I lost 3 stone last year so here's hoping I can do a little more.


Unknown said...

Congrats on all you have accomplished so far. Stick to it - it's obvious you have found what works for you!

Kandi said...

You and I are in the same place, like you I lost 3 stone last year and want to lose at least another by August this year for my holidays. It's not easy is it, but many congratulations on getting this far. Just remember that with excercise every little helps, no matter how little we do or how slow we go we are still lapping all of those on the couch :0) xx

primrosesattic said...

Great that you are keeping up with your routine. The pics of the park look beautiful.

annie's abode said...

you have done amazingly well - not easy when it's cold and we crave stodge.
keep up the good work