Wednesday, 16 February 2022


 It had to happen eventually I guess.....

....on Monday morning I did a test and it was positive!!!

Sinus pain, headache, pain behind my eyes, generally feel washed out!

So after 2 years of working in a supermarket, not having to isolate once or have time off for my jabs, I've tested positive!! Have been banished to my corner of the kitchen and been thrusted a mask to wear when anyone else is in the room. Jeff was poorly last week and tested daily but was negative, end of term rundown!?! or secret Covid Carrier!!!!! Poor Sophie is keeping her distance. She's heading back to Uni tomorrow, we feel we've given it enough time to manifest, should she have got it the same time as me!! and completely by chance it would seem Sam has tested positive too!!
I guess it had to happen eventually x

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