Sunday 30 June 2024

Farewell June

Farewell June!
The end of June always coincides with the Glastonbury Festival. Out local Supermarkets greet you with a wall of Thatchers and camping paraphernalia!! I've watched the odd bit on the telly, heard it loud and clear last night (the wind must have been in the right direction!!) but haven't been affected travel wise this year at all.

We've had a tiny burst of sunshine this week but it's also felt cold! 
Not a great summer so far, so going away is even better than normal. 
Need to top up my vitamin D!!

We've posted off our postal vote as we'll miss the Election - Hurrah!!

And I had up until this evening avoided much of the Euro's, until England scored a late goal and I joined the boys to watch, and pretended to be interested!! Sam has just got back from Croatia, a last big finale to his housemates at Richards Street. Half of the gang are graduating this year but because Sam changed courses, he still has another year to go. He came back, to having to move out of his house, put the majority of his stuff in storage, as he can't move into his new place until Monday! So he's home and is our taxi to the airport in the morning!!

And so tomorrow, we head off on our Greek adventure! 
I've spent the majority of this week cleaning the house and packing and washing the bedding etc etc. The kids are house sitting in turns, make use of the facilities whilst mum and dad are away!!
I doubt I'll blog whilst we're gone but do check in on the off chance.

Here's to a glorious Greek July!


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