Sunday 9 June 2024


What a night!!
Bloody brilliant!
My 6th time seeing Take That, Jeff's 5th and they did not disappoint!

Managed to spot my friend Claire in the crowd.....

....and found my sister before heading into the stadium.

And spotted my friend Sonia across the masses!! 
Love this pic xx

We had great seats. 
For me, the best ever! 5 rows up and no one in front of me!!
Worth every penny!

Olly Murs was the support act

And then the main event.....TAKE THAT!

They always put on a fabulous show....absolutely BRILLIANT!

In other news.....

....have had a really busy week of exam invigilation.  My only day off was Tuesday and I caught up with my friend Lynn. We met and went for a walk over at Ham Wall. I've not been over there in ages and it was so wet underfoot the last time I went. It was still a little boggy in parts but we got around, in the most part stayed dry!

This little lot has taken up residency by the best bench for taking photo's of the Tor, 
and she wasn't in any mood for visitors!! Certainly being a protective mum!

The robins, as always, were much friendlier x

The garden is enjoying the cooler than average, wetter weather. The top pic came up as a memory from 3 years ago, when we decided to leave the lawn 'wild', to do it's own thing. And this is it now, full of grasses, weeds and.....

......beautiful flowers.


Jeff bought these seeds from eBay, sprinkled them in the autumn and we've waited patiently.

We've had a visit from Bristol Water this week. They found a leak, thankfully on their side, so came and dug a big hole, filled it in, tarmacked over and fingers crossed, it's now sorted. 

This also came up as a I intended!! 
It's been a year since I left Sainsbury's.
Was definitely the right decision, although it was a hard one to make at the time!

I also collected the boy yesterday, from Bridgwater train station. A flying visit. He had a party, locally, last night and is heading back to Cardiff later today, with the car, to start packing up his house, moving it into a storage unit, until his new house is ready to move into in early July. 
It's been lovely to see him and have a catch up xx

And some really sad news to report this morning. Dr Michael Mosley, a man who has had a big impact on my life, has been found dead on the island of Symi, Greece. He went missing on Wednesday, in searing temperatures, whilst on holiday with his wife and friends. My sister and I have been to see him talk and I have followed lots of his advice over the years, on fasting and the Mediterranean diet and his belief about turning around Type 2 Diabetes. He was such a force for good and I've been hoping for a small miracle, that he would be found alive. Sadly this morning that is no longer the case and my thoughts go out to his wife and family. A huge loss x

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