Thursday 20 June 2024

Summer Solstice

Today is the Summer Solstice. 
This was actually taken the other morning on one of my 4am loo visits.
You can just about make out people on the top of the Tor!

I'm writing this a little early, as I'm away for a long weekend, so thought I would do a quick round up of the week so far!  It's been busy, catching up with as many people as possible before the summer holidays begin. I had coffee with friends Monday morning. Did my final exam invigilation Tuesday morning. Met up with my old Sainsbury's Manager for lunch in the afternoon. She's taking early retirement and leaves whilst we're away, so it was nice to catch up and make a promise to get together after the summer.

Tuesday was a busy day for the kids too. Sophie was seeing Taylor Swift in Cardiff at the Principality Stadium and Sam is living his best life over in Croatia, having had a 5 hour stop over in Naples! It makes me very happy to get pics messaged over in our family group chat, seeing them both living happily and independently. I feel I did a good job as their mum! And, Sophie got a promotion at work this week, so loads to celebrate!! 

Then on Wednesday morning, instead of walking, my friend and I met up over in Somerton for coffee and a visit to ACEarts, to see the Red Dress.

A friend of mine was one of the 380 embroiderers. 
This dress has traveled to 51 countries. 
You can read all about it HERE

Just a few of the absolutely stunning details.

It's on until the end of June and it's free!! 
So if you're local and get the chance to see it, go!

Then in the afternoon, I drove over to Bath. 
Had a mooch around the shops and then a meal out at Zizzi's, with...... sister. 
She's so busy with work, it was easier for me to go to her. 

Then today, I've done a quick food shop to get Jeff sorted out meal wise for the next few days, then met up with my old neighbour for coffee and a catch-up this afternoon!! I haven't seen her since before we went to Italy, back in April, so had to squeeze in a meet up. It's all go!

Tomorrow I have an early alarm. My bag is packed ready, as my bus leaves at 7.40am. The 376 is so unreliable, I have to get an early bus to ensure I get into Bristol with enough time to spare, to get my train up to Penrith. I arrive at my destination at 4.00pm, with a change at Manchester. I could have flown to Greece for less money and in a shorter time!! It's going to be a long day, as I can guarantee it won't be an early night, we'll have too much catching up to do!!

It's as a result of our 30 year Uni Reunion last year. We made a promise to not leave it so long and put a date in the diary for a years time! It is a trek, but my friend hasn't been well and it was so great to see everyone last year, it's worth making the effort. Although I am the most southerly and have the furthest to travel! Last year I shared the journey with my friend who lives in Cheltenham, but she can't make it this time. I didn't fancy the drive on my own, so the train it is. A little mini adventure. Anyway, I'll do a little round up next week, when I get a moment. It's another busy week ahead x 

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