Sunday 16 June 2024

Sea air, sculpture, showers, a tiny bit of sunshine.....and family time x

First up........

.....Happy Father's Day! 

Wishing my Dad, Jeff's Dad, and Jeff, dad to our two, a wonderful, relaxing day x

It's been another busy week but heading towards the end of this run of exams.
Have had a few exams this week and a clash supervision and.....

....I got to help out the Art Department, 
chaperoning a visiting school around the Sculpture Trail.

Thankfully it stayed dry but it's cold!!
It's June and it's (very) cold!!!!!

The new Exhibition dates have been confirmed for September.
Looking forward to hosting this.

Sophie popped home on Wednesday after work and we headed down to Cornwall on Thursday, for a couple of days. The weather wasn't great! We drove down in rain all the way....

....dodged the rain in Truro for a couple of hours....

.......sat in the car at Godrevy for an hour, waiting for the rain to pass. 

Ten minutes out of the car before the heavens opened again!!!

So we sat in a cafe having a cream tea, to shelter from the rain!!

The main reason, as always, for a visit to Cornwall, is to check in on my folks.

We actually lucked out with a dry day on Saturday!!! And I treated my dad to an early Father's Day treat with a visit to Tremenheere Sculpture Gardens. Why have I not discovered it sooner???? They were beautiful. They are a partner garden of the The Newt, so I got in free, but they were very reasonably priced regardless. Well worth a visit. Beautiful grounds, over 40 fabulous sculptures, amazing views and delicious food.

Me and my dad x


The food was delicious and a lovely setting.

Dotted around the gardens were over forty sculptures. It reminded me of the grounds up at school. In fact I must check, whether any of the artists have work in both places.

I loved it and will definitely be going back.

I think dad enjoyed it too. Sadly the gardens weren't really accessible for mum, but dad did a recce and reckons he could get her to the cafe, so maybe next time I can treat them both x

Dad then returned to Godrevy on the way home,
so we could get out and blow the cobwebs away!!!

It was rather breezy!!

Then in the evening, before heading home, we met up with my Scottish cousins and their friend, who had just arrived in Cornwall for the week....perfect timing!! It was lovely to see them. I went years, over 30, not seeing my one cousin and now in the past few years we've seen each other 3 times. Making up for lost time x

Had plenty of treats! 
More than I should, with only two weeks to go, until we go away!

Anyway, it was a lovely couple of days, despite the weather. 

Sophie heads back to Cardiff this evening. She has her long awaited Taylor Swift concert on Tuesday. I have one more exam to invigilate, numerous coffee dates in the diary, trying to squeeze everyone in before we go away. I'm in Bath on Wednesday, to fit in a catch-up with my sister once she finishes work, and then another weekend away! I joke with Jeff, that it's good to have time apart, given we'll be spending 24/7 with each other soon, but the reality of organising meals, with all his end of term commitments too, is tricky. Once I'm back, I really do have to get cracking, clean the house, pack etc I am quite well ahead I think, but I'm sure there will be a few things I've forgotten!!  

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