So to celebrate 500 fabulous followers, I have decided to do a postcard giveaway!

Postcards were the second product we made and they are just as popular now, as they were when we first started.

The favourite has to be the British Teatime set, with the Union Jack postcard tying with the Beach Hut postcard as the best individual design.
We currently have 51 designs with some new designs already in the 'design pipeline' for our next catalogue and show in July.

So the giveaway is one of every postcard we do - that's 51 in total - each with their own envelope!
All you have to do to enter is post a comment telling me what's missing from our postcard range - what would you like to see? And if you like - tell us your favourite design!
Click Here to see all the designs!
We would love to hear what you would like to see!
I love the style of these cards and I would like to see some with farm animals on (sheep, cows, pigs, horse maybe). My favourite is the one with hens and also the cupcakes. :O)
my absolute fav is the british tea time, beautiful prints and colours, id love to see something to do with wedding, alot of my clients would love to use these as reply cards, so something 'wedding themed' would be amazing lucy mccabe
as a wedding photographer, I think it would be great if you made a wedding selection of postcards that the bride & groom could write their thank you on, or maybe use as decorations...maybe shoes, rings, dress, cake, and my other idea is a selection of postcards with cool old cameras! (as a photographer, I like the thought of that a lot!) Love your work very much- pick me, pick me! x Charis
Buildings!! You have a hen house and beach huts but what about a cottage, a castle, a farmhouse, a caravan!!! ( iknow a caravan isn't a building but I was on a roll!).
Or vehicles!! a bus, a car, a lorry
you get the picture..
Love your stuff and would be ecstatic to win..
Pene x
little people would be cute
my favourite right noe is the union jack :) x
I'm a seaside lover, and unsurprisingly, my fave is the Seaside set. I think I would love to see a whimsical set with fairies, mermaids and the like. Or something just for us girls like shoes and bags and dresses! Kerry x
My fav is the bunting, just reminds me of summer.
OK, whats missing, you have so many lovely designs, its really hard to say. OK, maybe some baby shoes or a pram, something for the New Mum......x
I love the Animal Parade set! Would like to see some more masculine designs :)
I love all of your items and your style. It would be great to see a dots and spots version of a patchwork quilt possibly an OHIO star or "nine patch" "tumbling blocks" something like that - personally I love to give cards that have a quilt block on them! thank you for all your inspiration I love your blog and read it daily.hope you can stop by my new FB page
They are all lovely. How about featuring some butterflies, which are always popular.
what a fab giveaway :) and to answer your question toadstools, i love toadstools :) xxx
I'd love to see a range of UK landmarks...all done in your lovely style...big ben, london eye, buckingham palace, blackpool tower, clifton (bristol) suspension bridge (and so on and so on)... my current fave is beach huts...makes me want to get out there and play on the beach !
I love them all!! Some great ideas in the previous comments...I think you should do some cards to cover 'events' - other than the thank you etc ones. So maybe a christmas themed one..santa and rudolph, some valentines..hearts etc, easter ones...eggs and rabbits, birthdays, get well soon, new baby, new home etc etc...the list is endless!!!!!
postcards are so nostalgic . my kids love sending and receiving them
BUNNIES! You have no bunnies! That is what you need .... bunnzies!
and dogs - dogs with cute sniffy noses.
Snails - you need some snails - for moving house cards.
I would buy bunnies!
and also cards in some cooler colours - ie just blues and whites - they would be lovely framed in a set of three.
of course these are great allready but I would love to see another one with patterns (like the set multi with the stars and hearts eg.).... and next to that one themed with wild animals for boys 6+
rabbits, garden worms, bacteria, science equipment and trains! Congrats on the 500. X
I love all of your designs. Maybe some 'boyish' designs?
I am keeping my fingers crossed so that I will win.
Oooh you know I love your work, I think my fave designs are the 'I love' ones, especially the sewing machine one:) as for new ones, gosh theres so many good ideas said before, but what about a zoo theme, or a circus theme, or what about a 'living room' design with sofa, lamp, picture on the wall...etc that could look cute. Or musical instruments? (can you tell I'm just looking around my living room for ideas now, hehe). Right that's enough... my fingers are well and truly crossed xx
All of your cards are lovely!
What more would I like to see? Maybe some numbers or just letters. Butterflies,
dolphins, whales, seals,
furniture, houses, cutlery,
sun, moon,
appletrees, garden tools...
I wish you succes!
I love your Animal Parade postcards, so funky!
Hmm what's missing? You have such a selection not much, but how about a fish collection (goldfish, whale, shark and blower fish) or possibly a person one (man, woman, girl, boy)!
Food that's what I would like to see like knickerblocker glories and ice cream and jelly.
Or VW's I always love a vw post card.
I love the sewing machine one its gorgeous love the colours!
Castle, Pirate ship (or treasure island with treasure chest & palm tree), palace, pumpkin coach. I think my favourite set is the one with the sewing machine in.
I would like to see some more mens or boys about wine bottles?
I think all your designs are fab, but as I'm getting married in 7 weeks I am a tad wedding obsessed. Some Country Wedding themed cards that couples could write their thank yous on the back of would be a perfect addition to your range :)
that is an amazing giveaway!! i love postcards, if i won i would send some, give some as gifts and frame some - i love all your teatime ones. I'd like to see one with a lamb on it as they are my favourite animals and would be perfect for spring xxx
i think all you postcards are lovely but my favourite is the I LOVE TO range.Id like to see maybe some pigs or monkeys.I think you designs would look lovely on cushions,tea towels,oven gloves or may be a pencil cases or even a set with a note book,pencil,ruler and rubber.
Oh my god this is an amazing giveaway, I was just looking through your postcards thinking i wanted so many different ones, the whole set would be AMAZING!! ok I need to calm down incase I dont win :p I would love to see things like little fawns, toadstools and fairies :) If i had to pick one that is my absolute favourite i would have to say The wishing tree, birds on a wire, sew and twit twoo (ok thats 4 but who's counting ) xx Kirsty xx
I love the hens but would love to see some ducks, although I am slightly biased.
I just love them all!!....but what about a set of little people, or old fashioned toys like a spinning top, dolly, teddy, toy soldiers etc.
Congratulations on reaching 500 followers!!
hugs Karen J.xx
Some nice birthday ones would be good but i love the union jack ones.
I love the 'I love to' range.
I would also love to see cards with people on such as teachers, friends, mum, brother etc. Oh, and cards for children to send, especially boys. X
You have no dogs for us dog people, not even a spotty dog. My favourite is the beach theme.
I love the fruit and veg postcards and anything with a union jack on seems to appeal to me just lately (I´ve obviously been brainwashed by royal wedding nonsense). I´d like to see butterfly, dragonfly and hummingbird designs. Thanks for the giveaway!
Having read and followed you as a fellow noths seller for what seems like forever, my eyes did sting a little when reading your blog regarding leaving teaching... How sad yet exciting.... leaving other peoples children but gaining more time with your own. More positives than negatives for sure.
Who had a wonderful mothers day? I think your mum did too with that stunning piece!
Well done on Reaching 500 followers... Good luck for 2011 and I hope you have settled well into your new premises.... We have decided to stay put for now :-)
Gail...Hush Baby Sleeping
Oh and for what its worth,
Insects? caterpillars? butterflies, friendly mrs spider? Mr & mrs snail
perhaps some vehicle postcards would be nice?
an old camper....a mini? vw beetle? boring they may sound but with your Dots and spots twist, you'd soon perk them up :-)
Have a fun Competition and I hope you got/get thoroughly spoiled on your last day teaching x
I love all your designs but my fav. is teatime. I would love to see a range with handbags, shoes & hats. Fairies & butterflies. Trees in different seasons. Well done on getting to the 500 mark. Here is to the next 500 xx
I would like to see a blue polka dot puppy with mad flyaway ears (like a crazy cocker spaniel!), i think it would look great with your style.
I've only recently found your site but love the look of all of it :-)
Eeeeek what to choose, they are all soo fab. My top pick would have to be "hen"tastic, super cute!!! I would love to see a range of farm animals, but especially some pigglies. Pigs are my fave, weeeeeeee, tehe. Loves Ionwen. XXX
I vote for vehicles too - its always difficult to find cute stuff for boys ;)
my favourite is "fur and feathers", but I really love them all. before I read the other comments I was thinking about more male images, for little boys and big boys, but I notice a couple of others have mentioned them also. and I think most subjects have been covered by others, except possibly furniture, tables, chairs, beds, desks, computers, TVs, shelves.
congrats on 500 followers,
I love the beach hut postcard, and the birdies! The four seasons might be a nice design set; Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter. Thank you for the giveaway opportunity! Helen x
Puddings! Ice cream sundaes, trifle, spotted dick (obviously) jelly and cream etc etc
Not that I am obsessed (dieting does this to you!)
Also like the ides of some pirate themed and fairytale themed (pumpkin carriage, castle, dragon etc) sets.
Congrats on you 500+ followers :)
Anthea x ForestFlower
I'd like to see a set for boys - cars, diggers, planes, they wouild all look good in your style. My favourite set is the "Fur and feathers" set.
Having spent ages trying (and failing) to find a good 'acceptance' card this week, I think a wedding range would be great!
I love your cards, they are so unique. My favourite style is " I Love to" ...the sewing the baking ones are so fab! Having said that I would love to win one of each x
I have 2 ideas but fit the same theme:
Transport...good old british trains and tractors...
Emergency ones: police, ambulance, fire.
Love your cards my fav is British tea time range.
{Dab and a dash.}
Hi! Congrats on the 500!
How about a teapot (with cosy of course), beach ball, and steam train? Not all together of course, maybe a bit too random?
I love your style, its such a signature, I love the hen ones best, but they are all great. I would love to see farm animals, sheep and cattle have such expressive bodies.
Personally i love the teatime set too, although i'm a fan of the hens as well. I would like to see a range that could be used for a wedding, maybe not saying WEDDING, but maybe quite simple with whites, ivory's, gold, an elegant, light coloured card that could be used for all sorts! would be brilliant!
I JUST LOVE your designs! As a farmers wife with two naughty little boys I love wellies and watering cans, old plant pots, packs of seeds.....I have a little jam business and my jar lids are red and white spots!! Maybe a mixing bowl and wooden spoon.....the ideas are endless! Laura Russell
My favourite is the 'i love to...' set. Especially the sewing machine card, would be nice to have some 'girly' themed cards like handbags and shoes, jewellery, these could be framed and put in a girls bedroom ect :)
Knowing how much you love hearts after viewing your 'heart tours' around your home I am surprised you haven't already designed a selection of heart themed postcards! Could that be the next design? They would make perfect designs for a range of occasions including valentines, wedding, anniversary, mothers day etc.
My birthday is 11th April which would be a fantastic birthday present if I was lucky enough to win!!
Good luck everyone!
Aw I love all of them! How about some jungley theme ones with snakes, tigers etc...
karen s
twannywun at hotmail dot com
I love all your designs. My favourite is the 'on the shelf'.
Some more designs ideas guitars, scooters skateboards, surfboards, bikes, insects, bluebells, daffodils, roses, foxes, hedgehogs.
I hope they help.
Oooh boys/mens things...
Wellies, climbing trees, bugs, cars, boxershorts, tee-pees/tents...
Nautical range? Lighthouse, seaside, boats etc..
I think the Owls should definately feature in the postcards range as well! As well as trees (like in the wishing tree card).
My favourite set is most certainly the hens!
Sorry first post deleted by mistake!
Although I live in the city , I love the sea so my absolute favourite ones are the seaside ones!! also love buildings of all shapes and sizes so would love to see some dots and spots buildings!
I'd like to see some Easter bunnies and some paisley patterns made out of dots and spots :) I'm a big fan of paisley prints.
Loving the seaside ones and the tea ones :)
Love the "Hens" and the "Fruit n Veg" although think my absolute favourite must be the one with the sewing machine. Not sure what is missing... maybe shoes and bags?
I love the 'hen'tastic set and also wishing tree.
What about a picnic set?
these are great - I'm a card make and I adore polka dots! I just finished an order for a client that orders 100 at a time from me - she is quite the card sender... she lives in Austin, TX. So glad I stopped by, hope you'll visit me , Jennifer jennsthreegraces at blogspot
My favourite is the cupcakes, but I love ANYTHING red, white and spotty! I would love to see little girly fairys and little boy pirates, ooooooh and maybe a few baby things like little feet prints/hands etc! Much love Carol Milligan (
I just adore your work! As a sugar artist, I make mini farm animals and garden bugs (amonst other things) as cupcake toppers. I would love to see designs with those on, cows, pigs, sheep, ladybirds (spots!) caterpillars and buzzy bees =D
As a mum trying to get my son to write I find notelets for boys very difficult to find (unless you like Dr Who and Top Gear). It would be great to have an older boy's option (thinking of about 9-12 years old). So vehicles, stars, castles, dogs, spiders in blue/navy/red.
My favorite cards are the hen tastic ones. I would like to see a set of cards with different houses on them. People could use them as 'we have moved cards' or 'welcome to your new home' cards.
what about a fairy and angel range or a seasonal/weather range
Having just bought some of them I can safely say that I love them all! My favourite has to be the sewing machine so a few more for all of us crafty folk would be great. I started a part time job today (sewing at my local soft furnishers- she's a friend) and I sent them all the "create" one - hoping they would all be inspired! They all loved it!
Love them all especially the hens and the birds but you need MORE OWLS!!! ;o) Lucy x
Hi Becky - Congratulations on 500!!! I think I was one of your first followers not that long ago!!! There is one thing I would definately buy more of from you and that would be 'Thank you' postcards. I am always buying sets of thank you cards for my son to send out after he has received either Xmas gifts or birthday gifts. They could also be themed around other events such as wedding, new baby gift thank you's, etc. I know you have a thank you postcard already but as I have sent these out already to relatives I don't feel I could send the same design out again and I do like to send a card which says 'Thank you' on it!! Hope this helps Lisa xx PS, I love the new colourful background postcards!
I love love love your designs!!
I would like to see some cute Wellies spashing in puddles or in the field with ducks or sheep?? Or little children boots next to big people boots!! Wellies are so cute!!
I love them all...
Congratulations for 500 Followers.I love your blog ...
GGLG Astrid
One of my favourites out of so many great ones is the bunting as I make lots of it.
I think you should do a celebration pack of some sort for weddings and babies, so you could have a baby boy, baby girl, wedding day and maybe engagement?
look forward to seeing you new designs
Anna x
What about a rustic French set, wine and glass on a bistro table and chair....flag...rustic gite and sunflowers/Poppies, boulangerie with bike and baguette outside...
Your postcards are gorgeous - I love them!
How about monkeys? You can't go wrong with a cute cheeky monkey!
Bunnies ♥♥
Oh gosh I love all of your postcards!! I have no idea what others you could do... Maybe ones saying things like "Hello", "sorry" and "thank you"? I know you have the ones saying party, but this could be a specific set of little notes or little words :)
Hope that helps and thank you for the giveaway!!
Samantha xx
Your postcards are so pretty! I would love to see a male themed set though. Maybe vintage cars or hobbies.
I love your cards, so unique and beautiful! hard to say what i'd add...maybe a new home theme or 'congratulations'. :)
I love all your designs but my favourites have to be from the 'British Teatime' range especially the bunting card. I would like to see a 'Toadstool' design. As you can tell I LOVE toadstools. hehe. x
Hi Love all of them, but think the british teatime set, and the sewing one are my favourites. Other ideas maybe either some childrens cards with vehicles or pirates for boys and fairys and mermaids for girls, or houses and different buildings. Think all your work is great and would love to win thank you for the chance. Sam
Love all your products Becky and have lots of your cards "dotted" around in different "spots" of my flat :)
Would love to see little scottie dogs on your cards as i think they are sooooooooooooooo cute ..
Keep up the good work and wishing you continued success in 2011
Rachel xxx (Gingham Heart Crafts)
I love your cards!
I also love birds so I would have to say more birds please!
My favourites are the hens!
I love your 'i love to...' range and the new 'fur and feathers' range is fab too! Would like to see maybe some designs with dogs aswell xxx
I love the animal parade selection, but think you ought to do a girlie collection (shopping, cakes, cocktails) and a boys' collection (gardening, cars, caravans, gadgets).
I love all the cards... but can you gave some with a beetle... as a car, I mean!
greets from Belgium!
As we are approaching summer I would love to see some flutterby butterflies ...... just decorated my daughter's room in lilac and cream - co-ordinated with lilac gingham and spotty fabrics - some butterfly postcards framed in lilacs, pinks and creams would be perfect to frame up. Hope this is some inspiration for you - love your blog and products.
I would love to see some bugs ones - ladybirds, butterflies, spiders, beetles etc
Wow, some great suggestions in amongst this lot. I was thinking chooks/chickens but you have them pretty much covered along with heaps of other wonderful designs, so I am at a bit of a loss with suggestions.
I love all your postcards and glad I have just snuck in to your giveaway at the eleventh hour, thanks for the opportunity.
Love them all! You can never have enough cupcake designs and maybe some Owls don't know why but I just love them! Sorry spelling mistake in my last comment :-)
Hope I'm in time to be included! I would love to see trees in all seasons. I can't choose a favourite, I love the colours you use and the way you combine them together :-) x x
Hens are my fav! Something spacey might be fun. Love your work. :)
Hi, you have such lovely products. I would like to see more flags and maybe some cats & dogs x
i love the union jack ones. very royal weddingy.
the tea time ones are gorge too!!!
I really can't think of any ideas for you. all the ones you do are do you improve on that?!
poodles maybe. poodles are very cute.
I love all the designs and would love to see a quintessentially British set with Big Ben, a red bus, The London Eye etc in your distinctive style. Would be lovely to send to family back home.
All your designa are fab, love the Hens! I'd love to see some more boy designs, Owls, Fairies?? :)
Hello all the way from New Zealand!! I love following you on Facebook! I was thinking you could do a dachshund aka sausage dog! Or do something for will and kate's wedding!!!
Thanks for being great
The weather..... everyone loves talking about the weather.... the sun, rain, wind, rainbows, clouds.
They could be used whilst on holiday as well :)
love your designs congrats on 500 :)
Hello! I love your work, it's so pretty!
I'd like to see a school range, for sending notes to teachers. Old fashioned desks, pens, easels and chalk etc.
Looking forward to seeing your new designs!
Lovely, so funky & fresh! Nice to see something different.
V x
A Christmas range would be fab - snowflakes, trees, baubles :)
I love the fur & feathers range, so cute!
Hello i love your work and is very much like my uni work. I love the summer range you do with the beach huts! And cant wait to see you at the trade show soon! I would lovw to see some with birtbday cakes on, tall ones which have a tilt on them as there so tall! I am keeping my fingers crossed!! I love your blog :) xx
hi...fab giveaway you are doing..ok my idea is a 'magical' theme..pixies/faries/fairy dust/ wizards/princess crowns/fairy flowers/hearts/castles...penny xxx
Hello, I love all your designs. I would like to see some cards with numbers on to give to people for birthdays male and female themes. Maybe cards with letters on also maale and female themes.
What about a medieval set with a castle, a knight, a princess.....
gnomes and gnommies..they look good with the red polka hats..
Love them all and apart from some wedding ones , you have everything covered. Love, love, love them all XX
Favourite is the bunting card
Keep up the good work
Lisa XX
OMG the excitment is to much they are all stunning xxx I want to frame them all around the walls of my workshop :0) everything crossed xx
I like them all, my absolute favorite is the seaside serie. Missing...? Perhaps a toy/childrenstheme.
they're all fab, but I think your signature colours really lend themselves to a nautical theme - boats, lighthouse, lifebelt etc x
Hi, Im probably too late to enter this but never mind!! Love your cards and style , everything is so cheerful! Claire x
I love all your designs...especially the seaside themes( living by the sea myself ! ) about something for
best wishes
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