(Cath Kidston Wedding Date)
So whether you like or loathe the upcoming Royal Wedding on Friday, there certainly is no escaping it.

I honestly do think that William and Kate make a lovely couple and wish them every happiness together.
But will you be celebrating with them?

I will put up a little bunting - not on the scale of Regent Street (above) and I will watch some of the television coverage, probably on my own, as the rest of the family aren't that bothered.
We will of course enjoy the extra day off together as a family and toast the happy couple but I haven't been tempted to buy any of the memorabilia that's out there. If I had, here are a couple of my favourites.
You and me both ... the bunting went up yesterday. My Cath Kidston royal wedding mug has been in use for a week now, and I'm just sorting out what food I need to cook for the big day! Who doesn't love a wedding and such a lovely couple too.
I feel exactly the same as you about the royal wedding. I really like Wills and Kate and wish them well but I will be sitting down to watch the wedding on my own on friday. The only souveneir I have bought is a tin of biscuits with their images on which I thought I could use as a sewing box later.
kind regards,
Yes - I feel the same too. Mildly interested. For some reason I can't get fully into it as I do with some things. I will put some bunting up and union jacky bits and bobs once I take down the Easter frivolries tomorrow. Any excuse to decorate the house. I too will watch some of it - alone - my husband will be working, eldest daughter having a ball on her Gap year trip in Asia, and youngest daughter having a sleepover with some friends and then watching it with them (that's if they are up!). Enjoy the day. x
They do make a lovely couple. The TV will be on but we will be doing other things too. I only have a little bit of bunting but I will be putting it up!
Julie xxxxxxx
They are a lovely couple but unfortunately I will be at the chiropractor (getting my neck and back sorted) whilst they get wed so will miss it all. By the way the pattern for the will and kate sampler was in last months cross stitch magazine if anyone fancies it.
I have to work so will have to watch the highlights which is a shame.
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