For the very first time this year - it felt like Spring might just have sprung.
The foggy start was pushed aside, as the sun shone through and it actually felt warm in the sun despite the cold wind.

The daffodils have started to push their way through

And the crocuses are beginning to flower.

The snow drops are appearing in clumps through the gravel. How long they last, will depend upon when the children decide to venture out into the back garden.

The bunting reminds me of warmer, summer days.

and the view from my studio is looking slightly more inviting than it has, over the past few months.

Roll on Spring and the promise of summer.
It feels as if this winter has been around a very long time.
lovely spring garden.....the winter has been around for too long and has been too cold....looking forward to spring
it must be a little milder with you in Somerset we have just got our snowdrops, so nice to see crocus, roll on spring!
I love "proper" Winters. White n cold, brrrrrrr (none of this damp n dreary weather!!!). But I am looking forward to the new start that Spring brings. Our snowdrops and crocus are not quite out yet but they're not far off!!! Ionwen XXX
And the sun was shining yesterday too- the snowdrops are peeking through. Hurrah- spring might be almost nearly here.
I saw the first snow drops earlier in the week and that has to be a good sign! Lizzie
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