Today - Bank Holiday Monday is truly wet and miserable. I'm sat typing away with my feet on a hot water bottle in an attempt to keep the chills at bay.
Thankfully we decided to pull the onions on Friday when it was still sunny.
They had a chance to dry off and are now stored away for the coming weeks.
Jeff and I went foraging for more blackberries - there are loads this year.
So we had apple, pear and blackberry crumble for tea last night and although I say so myself, it was really delicious and the best bit, there's plenty more for today too.
Our beans still keep coming and they're even producing 's'pecial beans for Sophie and Sam!
This colour combo is fabulous - our neighbour suggested drying out the beans to grow next year, so we'll give it a go!
We spotted the first conkers of the year too which must have dropped prematurely but I must say, as I sit here typing, the odd leaf keeps fluttering down catching my eye and Autumn does seem to be making it's early arrival known.
With just a week of the Summer holidays to go we are now gearing ourselves up for the school start. Jeff is basically back in as of tomorrow although the children aren't back until a week on Wednesday. The weather is going to be nothing special and dots and spots Christmas Prep isn't going to do it's self so it would seem that the lovely Summer is coming to an end and with Autumn knocking, so a new regime begins. I'm not looking forward to the early alarm wake up call and the school run is still the worst part of the day but I'm ready to get a little routine back into my days......just!!
We have loads of blackberries, I think we picked about 5lbs just from our garden, we have brambles growing at the bottom of the garden. Your beans and onions look fab
I've had my heating on for 3 days! August? Humph! ;0)
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