Sunday, 2 September 2018

Farewell August...

What a month!?!

August was a month full of celebrations - our 22nd Wedding Anniversary, Sam's 16th Birthday, Sophie's A'Level results and as a result securing her place at Reading University, Sam's GCSE results, passing everything, even French!! 

I had a great time despite working, with Jeff at home, meeting up with old school friends, growing my first ever fig! We've booked our holiday for next year, something to save up for and look forward to x

August, you've been a great month x

But now, hello September!

The month of new beginnings, Sixth Form, University, Jeff's new role as Assistant Year Head, me? I'm just plodding on the same but will obviously miss Sophie greatly when she goes.

We spent yesterday in Bristol, shopping and then a final splurge in Ikea - never again on a Saturday, what was I thinking!?!

The first day of September ended beautifully - lets hope the rest of the month follows suit xx

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