Saturday, 20 July 2019

Another week.....

.....another night out!

This time in Bristol at the Bristol Harbour Festival, watching New Order.

It's a 'Bucket List' band for Jeff, not my music really but he had a great night and I recognised 4 tracks. Also managed to spot my sister and her hubby in the crowds.

Sam has now broken up and joins Sophie working the odd shift up at Millfield Prep. I keep telling him to "just think of the money" as he groans about having to get ready!! We go on holiday soon, so he'll have a genuine excuse to not have to work then! Jeff's been busy tackling the hallway - stripping off the old wallpaper and giving it all a fresh coat of paint, a work in progress!

I went along to my SW group this morning to get weighed before hols. I'm back in target and I realised it's now 5 summer's that I've managed to keep the weight off, pretty proud of that little achievement. Not gonna lie, it's blumin hard but I'm determined to keep the weight off.

As always, when the holiday approaches, the garden does it's thing!! Sweet peas in full flower, the beans are growing madly, still need sunshine and warmth to ripen my figs, loads of daisies in flower and lots of bursts of red from the geraniums. All looking lovely, am paying my neighbours boy to keep things watered and hopefully alive, whilst we are away xx

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