Sunday, 5 January 2025

Walking in winter!!

I'm determined this year, as with most years, to focus on me! I start with good intentions that almost always, go by the wayside! One thing I do want to do is walk more. It was my therapy in Lockdown. Whenever I could, I walked. I have carried on, it was something I vowed to keep doing, but the amount of time I actually do walk has slipped. So, if it's dry enough to get out and I have no plans, I intend to go out for a walk! 

So on Thursday, Jeff and I headed over to Ham Wall for a walk.

It was quiet, still, calm.....beautiful! 

Friday morning was even better. We'd had a hard frost overnight and we woke up to the most perfect sunny, blue sky morning. I got up with Jeff, who was in school for INSET day and headed out. Initially back over to Meare, but as I turned off the main road I received a phone call, from the doctors, offering me an appointment at 10am! So I turned the car around and parked up in Street, to do a different walk along the river Brue.

It was beautiful. 
Had I had the time, I would have stayed out all morning.

I LOVE mornings like this, just me with my camera.

No one else around!!

Just birdsong  and the crunch of your foot on the hard ground.

The doctors was fine. I'd contacted them about a few moles/marks on my face that had become itchy. She looked, explained what each one was and reassured me that there was nothing to worry about. They've been there for years but the kids said I should get them checked out and a family member over Christmas mentioned a skin cancer scare and you Google...... so it was just worth getting them checked out and now I can ignore them! Just annoying that the appointment time, cut my morning walk short!

So yesterday was our final Saturday off! 
Jeff's term starts on Monday, a 6 week term! He works Saturdays and I will also be working the next four Saturdays in the gallery. I will be hosting the Student Exhibition, then I'm in for a day, so that artists can drop work off for the February/March exhibition.

I spent Saturday afternoon catching up on TV viewing! I always feel really guilty watching TV in the day! No idea why!?! We tend to only go into the sitting room and watch the telly about 8pm, it's just something we do. I guess we just tend to spend all our time together in the kitchen. Sophie will go into the sitting room during the day, when she's home, to read but other than when I'm feeling poorly, I never use that room.

So today, Sunday, our last day of the holidays. Jeff is back in work proper tomorrow and I am back in on Friday for the first exam. The mocks were supposed to start on Monday but have been pushed back a week. So, if the weather is nice, I intend to get out and walk. We had snow late yesterday evening, was gone by bedtime, and today is just wet and grey and miserable. So, as I thought I'd be working, I have no plans, other than my first walk with my friend, booked in for Tuesday, so if it's dry, I'm walking!

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