Crikey Week 5!!
We end another week of lockdown and I guess you could begin to say, transitioning into the 'new norm'!! Although I'd quite happily go back to the 'old norm'. It would have been the start of the Summer term for everyone, Sam's final term at school ever but instead Jeff is teaching virtually, Sophie still has online lectures before her Year 2 exams begin and Sam can do as he pleases!!
We've enjoyed another burst of fabulous weather, so much so you forget it's only April!
We've taken advantage of the warm sunshine and ventured further on our 'Boris Walks'...
...across the Levels, along the river Brue to the weir, on to Butleigh road, over the bridge then back the other side. It's been glorious and it certainly makes you appreciate your immediate surroundings.
As I said, Jeff has been back teaching this week, Sophie busy revising and Sam has nothing to do!!
I did make Sam come outside the other day, to get some sun on his bones. We found the beach stuff hidden in the shed, so had a fun hour in the garden together.
I've been reading!
I booked Friday as another holiday, so have had a 4 day break whilst the weather has been good. Despite colleagues self isolating etc we're generously staffed due to the cafe and counters being closed, so we're being encouraged to take holiday where we can. I was happy to oblige x
Wednesday - day one!
Thursday - day two!
Friday - day three!
Saturday - day four
Looks like the weather is about to turn next week, so we made the most of the sunshine and spent today out in the garden. Jeff is normally working, so we leave it until May half term to get organised but during lockdown Saturday school has been cancelled, so I could be around to direct!! I'd managed to get some geraniums and sweet pea seeds from work and some lobelia and pots from Tesco's this morning. So we emptied and swapped around the pots, cleared the
forget-me-nots which were beginning to go to seed and got clearing and planting.
Ended my four day mini break with a final 'Boris walk' which ended up being a 'stinging' affair. Got ambushed by nettles. Thankfully Sam came to our rescue being the only one wearing long trousers and cleared a path for us. Took a lot longer than intended but we got to enjoy the setting sun as we walked home. Back to work tomorrow!!
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