Sunday 18 August 2024

A busy but productive week!!

Wow a very busy, but also productive week. 
Have to pin Jeff down to get stuff done before term starts, otherwise everything just shifts over to the next school holiday, or in more recent times, in the next year....or two!! 
Got off to a relaxed start with friends popping in for coffee, to discuss Greek Island Hopping and ferries and rucksacks..... They have a fab trip booked for September/October now they're retired, lucky things! We're still a good five years off that yet, at least!

Once they'd gone, we started sorting!! 
The shed needs a proper good clear out, tidy up and re-organisation, but he made a start and is beginning to embrace my thoughts on just getting rid of stuff. Not keeping things 'just in case'!! 

His study was worse.
Jeff will admit to being a bit of a hoarder, keeps things 'just in case', "It's a good bit of cardboard"!! But even he admits his room was looking like a bomb had been dropped on it! And to be fair, when we moved in 9 years ago!!!!! some stuff was kept in there, as we didn't know what to do with it. Basically, he just needed to start clearing stuff out, sorting stuff, re-organising what was being kept and then re- arranging the whole space to make it work better!!

I left him to it and popped over to the Newt to have a catch up with my sister.

It got off to a mizzly start, whilst we had breakfast but... dried up as the morning went on.

Thursday, and Sophie was coming home, en route to London for the weekend! So Sam got a lift back with her. And I then fed him, in exchange for removal help!! The old sofa in Jeff's study, a holdover from our Shepton days, was being re-homed and up for collection on Saturday, so that took up temporary residence in the kitchen. Meanwhile the old wardrobe from Jeff's study, was moving up to Sophie's room, which will eventually become the guest room, when she buys her own house and moves out completely.

We then moved the old sitting room 'snuggler' chair up there too......

....whilst she was in London with a friend, enjoying Taylor Swift.... Wembley!

We then moved the sofa from the sitting room into Jeff's study, 
before Sam headed back to Cardiff, clearing the way for... Ikea delivery on Saturday morning! 
Love it when a plan comes together. 
I've been wanting to do this for ages, just needing to get the ball rolling!

Jeff got the chairs put together before he headed out to referee...

....and then we put the sofa together once he got home!

I have been wanting to do this for over a year now. 
My ongoing back issue has prompted the new furniture. My back pain isn't going away and as a result, I need to sit more upright. Our old sofa and chair were super comfy but also very deep. We had to squeeze in a different chair into the sitting room, so that I could sit more upright. The joys of getting older!! I was fed up of the room feeling make do and cluttered. Jeff's study had become the 'room with the door closed'...out of sight, out of mind! So it was a case of just starting and once we did, it all came together.

And we can now relax! 
Job done!!

There are still some bits to do, a shoe store to build and then just a bit more sorting, mirror to go up etc. But all achievable in the time we have left. Sam wants to do a car boot at the weekend. Try and make some money out of his old Thomas the Tank Engine stuff and Lego sets up in the loft, as he's not been given many hours at work this summer. So we still have piles of stuff to get rid of but hopefully by next weekend it will either be sold, taken to the charity shop or have gone to the tip!! All perfectly timed for Jeff going back to school in September.!!

So there is still plenty to do next week! Sophie is here for a few days, her car MOT is on Tuesday, catching up with friends, maybe a day out together. Sam is then coming back the end of the week, to get stuff sorted for the car boot sale! So a busy week, a few coffee date catch-ups with friends in the mix and family time, before the end of summer holiday feels kick in. 

Crumble season always marks the transition from late summer to early autumn for me. A friend gifted me the apples and I've been picking blackberries from the garden, ever since we got back from Greece. Plus my daily picking of figs from my tree. 

It won't be long before everyone goes back home, Jeff returns to work, and we all settle back into normal routines and that'll mean another summer will have come and gone. The weather hasn't been fantastic but we had our month in Greece to make up for that, and it's meant we've cracked on with lots of jobs!! I just need to get painting!! 

We've been in this house 9 years and there is still things to paint for the first time!! A new carpet to lay in the hall/stairway, new doors to swap over on all the rooms, a new porch..... the list is never ending. 

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