Sunday 22 September 2024

Autumn touches!

Another busy week. I started off the week on Monday, in my exam invigilator role. A practice exam for an A'Level student and it felt like a practice exam for me too!!It was odd to begin with, remembering what to do!! It was only June, when I last did it, but it somehow seemed like ages ago. So it was a good refresher and some money in the pot!!

My fig season has come to an end. I have still been picking in October in previous years, but I think this is my final few. The tree is covered in fruit, we've just not had the fig wasps to pollinate them or enough warm sunshine. There's always next year!

We've had a real mix of weather this week. Beautiful, late, warm, autumn sunshine to start the week off, and biblical rain towards the end of the week, which of course was timed perfectly for the weekend!! Thankfully it was dry on Tuesday morning, so Lynn and I were able to get out for a walk and headed up to the Tor. Enjoying a coffee, sat outside in the sunshine at Middlewick, once we were back down.

So many house martins flying around at the Tor.  

I was back in the Gallery on Wednesday, Thursday and was supposed to be meeting my friend in the evening but she had to cancel, and it coincided with Sam returning from London. So I was a nice mum, and collected his from Wells bus station. Brought him home, made him something to eat, then waved him off, heading back up to Cardiff for the new term. He seems in a good place at the moment. One more year left of Uni.....then no idea!!

After a cold spell last week, the weather has warmed back up! 
The geraniums and sunflowers are loving it and 
still putting on a colourful display out the front of the house.

It's typical, that it was nice, warm sunshine whilst at work and then the weekend, rain!! Especially as it's an EXEAT weekend. Jeff finished at lunchtime on Friday and gets the Saturday and Monday off! I left just half an hour early but got the Saturday off too. My time is whizzing by in the Gallery, that's two of the five weeks already done!

Thankfully it dried up by Saturday evening. We met up with Sophie over in Bristol. We went to the Hat Bistro for tea before another show at the Hippodrome......

....Grease is the word.....
Jeff delighted in telling everyone he was going to Grease this weekend!! 
Going to a Greek restaurant was as close to the real Greece as he was getting!!

Today (Sunday) is the Autumn Equinox and has been wet again. 

It poured all morning. Jeff was refereeing, rather him than me!! 

I spent my morning faffing!!
Just adding a few 'autumnal touches'....

...and collecting a few more conkers when it stopped raining!!

We had hoped to go over to the Newt tomorrow. Our membership runs out on the 1st of October and as yet, Jeff has not been!! He has used it to go to the Eden Project and the Lost Gardens of Heligan but not the actual Newt!!! I think I will carry it on but as a single membership or add Sophie as my extra instead of Jeff!! So it will depend on what the weather looks like when we wake up. The forecast isn't great but if there's a hint of a dry spell, we will head over. There are quite a few new bits that have been added since he last went but it won't be worth doing in the rain!!!

Let's hope the weather forecast is wrong!!

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