Monday, 30 December 2024

Breakfast Bags

The 'Breakfast Bag' came about because Sophie and Sam just wanted money for Christmas. Jeff and I didn't want/need anything! We didn't want to waste money just buying things to have under the tree to open, which then often went to the charity shop further down the line and no one needed the stress of trying to think of what to buy for each other just for the sake of it!.

So, we decided to do things a little different 5/6 years ago. We draw a category or two out of a hat in late October and each person spends no more than £5/£10 per person a round, including a gift for themselves. So in our household of 4, a maximum £60 spend per person! We then wrap each round of gifts in the same paper, open together, starting at 'breakfast time' hence the name.

This year Sam (the poorest) agreed we'd have two categories', a £5/6 spend round and a max £10 round. We decide on things we'd use/want/need, so nothing is wasted. The choices are easily available, do still require a little thought but aren't at all stressful or difficult to buy!

We start opening at breakfast, hence the name 'Breakfast Bags'.

Someone chooses something to open, we all find the gift in the corresponding paper and open it all at the same time. It makes it fun to guess who had to buy each round!

Round one, the £5/6 spend!

Jeff had savoury snacks

You can tell he never goes to a supermarket. He always buys loads! 

I had chocs/sweets

Sophie had nuts

And Sam had 'A jar of....'

My gifts from round one.

Round two, the £10 spend!

Jeff had olive oil

I had candles/diffusers

Sophie had toiletries

And Sam had kitchen utensil/supplies

My £10 round gifts. 
Part of Sam's didn't arrive for me, so I told him not to spend anymore money!!
It is just a maximum spend, you don't have to spend the full amount.

Jeff did an extra book round, with Sophie selecting his book/s 

Sophie did an extra fruit round......

.....and a 'pair of glasses' round!
I got an IOU for some Italian glasses when we go to Pisa!

I always do a few extra rounds but only things I know will be used/are needed/will be eaten. I hate waste and know for Sam, in particular, money is tight, so if he asked for something and I can make it into a useful round, I will.

Just a bit of fun, we found on a market in Nerja.


A GIANT Jammy Dodger!

A travel round.

Jeff - a packable rucksack and eyemask. He always complains about how light some rooms are.
I gifted 'us', a foldaway cabin bag (£6 in Primark). We've a few trips booked with just the rucksack under the seat, so may need a cabin bag on the return flight!
Sophie had compression packing cubes for our Italian adventure.
Sam asked for a travel flask!


A breakfast round

I'd bought the little bowl for me in St Ives and Sophie always pinches my granola! Jeff always has cereal for breakfast and this one is high protein/low sugar! So I made this into a round, not knowing Sam would buy himself 'a jar of Biscoff!! in his lucky dip round. Can you have too much Biscoff?

A biscuit round

A perfume/aftershave/razor round.
This was expensive but we all needed re-stocking, so I made it into a round.

Blanket round
2 for £8 in Morrisons!!

And then under the tree, they had their spotty 'check your bank account!!' money box 
And I bought Sophie a nice Christmas plate and Sam a teapot and cheap pasta bowls.

We had a few other gifts from friends and family but nothing we didn't want/need. So a lovely selection of gifts to open, that didn't cost the earth and everything will be used, not taken to the charity shop a few months down the line!

Jeff's annual pineapple!!

We also had a Lego round, where we each pulled out a name and had to buy for that person. Jeff pulled out Sam. I pulled out myself. Sophie got Jeff and Sam pulled out Sophie. I'd also bought a cheap set each, for the mid lunch activity, but we ran out of time on the day! Made for Boxing Day fun!!

This works for us! It's a bit of fun and means no one is spending lots of money or stressing out on what to buy for each other. Often buying just for the sake of it. I mean, who would ask for washing up liquid as a gift !?! But in the context of the round, it was very apt, will be used, and didn't cost lots of money!! Likewise the olive oil. Jeff would never buy olive oil for himself and has no idea how expensive it can be but the kids often steal a bottle of mine out of the cupboard to take back with them, as it's expensive! So it made for a good round! They each had money and have a few things to take back with them. 

This may change in years to come or we just continue. It's not set in stone! But whilst Sam is a poor student, Sophie is saving up to buy a house, Jeff and I don't want/need anything and if we do, we can just get it, the Breakfast Bags are a good solution.

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