Sunday, 9 March 2025

Bring me sunshine....

What a week of the most welcome sunshine!

Frustratingly, I had to spend most of Monday indoors waiting for the carpet fitters but it was sunny nevertheless and boy, does it make a difference!!
And how good does the new carpet look?

Tuesday was lovely and was spent over at the Newt.

I had a guest pass leftover from Christmas to use, so Lynn and I went over, as I knew it would be fine to walk on good paths. And now there is more to see over there, we did 10,000 steps easily.

What a beautiful day.....

.....and there was warmth in that sunshine.

Tuesday was Shrove Tuesday - pancakes of course!!

I've spent the rest of the week in the Gallery. 
I find it so hard when it's lovely weather out, but you have to be in! That was one good thing when I was self employed, I could sometimes jig things to make the most of the weather. We get so little nice weather, it just feels wrong to not make the most of it!

Here are a few details of the work on display. 

The daffodils are looking stunning. 
Splashes of yellow cheer.
We've had a few frosty starts and a bit of fog but the sunshine......

......the sunshine has been glorious and most welcome. 
And this afternoon, it felt warm enough to sit out side in the garden for an hour or so. 
I can not stress what a difference it makes. Shame it's all change next week!

I have started to think about my little upcoming Italian adventure with Sophie. It's only 2 weeks away now and I honestly can not wait. I love my job in the gallery but do like the fact it's just for little bursts of time. Having two, zero hour contracts suits me in terms of flexibility but financially, I could do with just a little bit more, so I can save for the months when I'm not working. Ideally a day a week would be good, but that would then restrict what I could do and when I could go away. I am trying this year to not buy clothes for the sake of it, only if I really, really like something or genuinely need it and I'm doing the majority of our food shops online. I feel I can make the best of the offers and resist impulse purchases. It's also easier when I'm working four days in a row. Food is just so expensive now!! Particularly when you try to eat healthily. And the dentist is a killer!! £70 for a 15 minute hygienist appointment on Monday morning, and then I had to pay upfront for my appointment in 6 months time. So £140 gone in a flash and it wasn't even on anything nice!! Anyway, when the sun is out, I don't have to spend any money to enjoy it. Walks are free and spending time sat out in the garden is a joy. Let's hope the weeks ahead are sun filled and warm xx

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