Sunday, 23 March 2025

Exhibition over and out!!

My time in the gallery is done!! The past 4 weeks have whizzed by and the Old Millfieldian Exhibition has come to an end. I'm next in, in September/October, for the next exhibition. I do have a couple of hours pencilled in for artist collection next week but it's back to exams for the duration. I have been in on Monday and Tuesday this week for exams and exam training. A busy work week!

We've had some lovely weather, which I have had to just view from afar!! 

It has meant that the Magnolia has flowered, later than in previous years.

And the tulips are beginning to burst forth too.

Everything is flowering as Sophie and I head off to showery Italy. 
The weather forecast is looking a little soggy for the first few days, drying up at the latter end of the week!! We will just have to play it by ear and hope for the best. At the end of the day, it's Italy and even in the rain, it will be wonderful. We return, as Jeff celebrates his birthday. Hoping we don't experience any delays and can spend his birthday evening together. So, I'm off to finish packing, have got an early alarm in the morning.

Ciao for now x

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