Saturday, 10 October 2020

RESIT Time!!

The time has come - this week Sam sat his first resit! He is surprisingly the only student in the whole school to resit!! There was one other girl there from another school but come his final exam, he will be on his own! He has, eventually, been applying himself and I'm in no doubt that John his tutor, has really given him a boost and I would even say, an enjoyment of Physics again. It's not that he didn't like it, he just never really understood it because it was never taught very well. So spending time with someone who loves and enthuses about the subject, has really helped him along. Anyway one exam down, two more to go and he found it okay, no better than okay 'it was good!!'

I spent my day off on Wednesday in Wells. I had a long, overdue lunch date with my sister-in-law,  which was lovely. Wells itself was super busy, uncomfortably so, not much social distancing happening at all. I've come to the conclusion I need to avoid busy places, as they're really not that enjoyable at the moment.

I'm still trying to learn the wonders of my camera. Having spent an hour this afternoon reading through this very detailed manual I bought, I'm not sure I'll ever really get to grips with everything it can do. It's just trying to hone in on the basics for now.

I've treated myself this week to a waterproof and a pair of boots. I'm determined to get outside, keep going for walks over the next few months. It was easy to do in the summer sunshine, now to keep it up through the winter months ahead.

And so today, it's my sisters birthday. We met up half way,at the farm shop in Farrington Gurney. I treated her and Ella to breakfast, as it's both their birthdays this week. We had a lovely brunch and the church in the photo, is where Jeff and I got married all those years ago! It was super busy, lots there for pumpkin picking but all felt very safe. Although it feels strange not being able to give each other a hug, especially on her birthday x


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