Thursday, 12 November 2020


Lockdown Round Two, week one, done!! 

All but Monday, when I worked, I've been out for my daily 'allowed' exercise. During the first lockdown, my daily 'Boris Walk' as Sam lovingly called them, was the one constant and thing I looked forward to. We were lucky with the weather and initially you weren't allowed to travel and were limited to an hour. Once we were allowed to travel, we explored just a little further afield and I discovered the Poldens

 This time round, allowed to travel for exercise, I have found my local woods my happy place. I've made an effort to get out daily for a couple of hours I'll admit, just me on my own predominantly and my camera. I share all my adventures in more detail over on Instagram but here's a roundup in pictures.

The Poldens

Ivythorn Woods / Walton Hill

Combe Hill Woods

Ivythorn Woods to the main road

Dundon Beacon, Compton Dundon

Combe Hill Woods

Yes we can travel this time for exercise BUT we are only to make essential journeys and stay close to home. So I've given myself a 5 mile radius from the house to which I feel is appropriate travel for exercise. Yes I'd love to be adventuring around Stockhill Woods, Wells, Ebbor Gorge etc but should I in lockdown!?! It's not like I don't have perfectly good places to walk closer to home and when lockdown is lifted, I'll have all these places to re-explore.

So Lockdown Round Two, Week Two begins....

And today, I got up early and went up and around Glastonbury Tor.

Will share more in my weekend round up!

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