Saturday, 4 August 2012

16 years!

 Yesterday Jeff and I celebrated 16years of wedded bliss - quite an achievement I guess!
It really was a very happy day and still remembered fondly by us and friends and family alike. It was hot and sunny unlike yesterday and my bouquet of sunflowers was really bright and cheery.

 Our wedding day is still remembered for the sunflower theme and every year, a bunch of sunflowers will be found at home in celebration.

 I feel very lucky to have married Jeff, our vows were said for all the right reasons and 16 years on, I can honestly say I'm as happy now as the day we married. We look older and are hopefully wiser and have two beautiful children to celebrate too!

Here's to another 16 years, although I worked out that I'll be 57years old then - eek!


Judith said...
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Judith said...

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary!
My parents where married on the third of august too and our cat Pinky celebrated his first birthday yesterday (-:

All things nice... said...

Congrats :) Hope you have a nice anniversary

All things nice...

KC'sCourt! said...

Julie xxxxxxxxx

Fleur Cotton said...

Happy anniversary, what a lovely touch, sunflowers each year!

Hope the sun shines on you.
Fleur xx

Fiona said...

Congratulations....and what a fantastic idea to have had sunflowers, they are my favourites, wish I had thought of it!