Tuesday 2 October 2012

I need your help - 20 cards up for grabs!

The very first thing I designed for dots and spots was a greetings card. As I said in my last post, many of my very first designs are still popular today. 

Some cards are being discontinued as I make some space and look forward to new designs for January.

I showed you these 2 new designs a little while ago

and a sneak peek at the new girl designs I did at the weekend, the boys designs are being done whenever there's a spare 5 minutes.

We have 30 new age cards heading your way too - at last I hear some of you cry. I have been promising to do them for about 2 years and haven't got much further, until now!

But I am also filling in the gaps!
 Here's where you come in.

 I want to know what you think we are missing - designs, occasions - please share. 
I can't promise I will put all the ideas into production but I do like to know what you think.
For anyone who takes the time to leave a comment/suggestion, I will pick one random name to 

20 of our Greetings Cards. 

Just go to our website *HERE* - have a look and tell us what you'd like to see - simple!

I really do appreciate your help so all suggestions welcome.


Polkadot Pumpkin said...

Had a look and they are all beautiful.

In my house though, I think the cards bought the most are of fairies,cats, racing cars and aeroplanes x

Louise B said...

I would say maybe wedding cards or anniversary cards.

Stefanie said...

Would love to see what your designs for engagement, wedding and anniversary would look like! Also birthday for family, husband, wife, mum, dad, sister, daughter etc!

Vicky said...

I agree with Louise B, more wedding themed cards and also new baby cards of some sort! x

Sarah Knits said...

I think a lighthouse card would make a great addition to the range.

Unknown said...

Maybe some cards that say...thinking of you, happy travels or themes on retirement, family, teacher, neighbour. Loving your cards. X

Beki said...

Monsters and cars/trucks would be good.
Thank you Teacher would be great for end of term and what about just because.......... or thinking of you.
Toadstools would be good too or toadstool houses xx

Vicki Jordan =) said...

Hey. I LOVE all your work. Would love to see new baby cards =)

Emma Shilton said...

I love your stuff Becky! Can't wait to see the new cards.

Being pregnant, I'm thinking you could do more with a new baby theme; birth announcements, baby shower invites, congrats on your twins & triplets, congrats on your pregnancy etc!

Gill said...

Great cards! possibly more 'male' cards???

Pickle Lily said...

I would say definately wedding anniversary cards would be great. More adult male cards - rugby, computers, cars something like that perhaps. My daughter would say a penguin birthday card!

Catrin Pritchard said...

I'd like to see graduation cards and family birthday cards such as mam, dad, sister etc.

Caroline said...

Lovely cards!

Thinking of you
Leaving job
Leaving to have a baby
New job
Exam success
Anniversary (first, silver, ruby, golden, diamond, for my wife, for my husband)

I hope that helps (and I hope I win!).

Crafts @ Home said...

1st day at school (new school)

Judith said...

Your designs are sooooo lovely!!!

Maybe some theme cards: autumn, winter, spring and summer?
Alphabet letters? Numbers?

Amanda said...


When I used to make cards "Thank you for Dinner" was very popular.

Congrats on the swan auction by the way! x

KC'sCourt! said...

Ages birthdays from 1 to .........
Julie xxxxx

Bagladee said...

Love to see a Happy Anniversary card Becky. You have a lot of beautiful cards that cover all sorts of occassions. Do you do one that says "just to say..."? I always send those to my other half :)

Emma x

Crafty Helen said...

I think that the vast majority of your cards are very feminine (the colours mostly I guess). I would therefore more cards suitable for men rather than boys?

Maria - A Playful Stitch said...

I love your cards! A few ideas could be - graduation, passing driving test, and a monkey card (as monkeys are so cute!) Not sure if these ideas are any good!
Maria x

Rebecca said...

I love them all but maybe some more birthday cards suitable for teenagers and party invites, maybe with coordinated thank you notes to send later

Anonymous said...

Great suggestions here - can't really add to those! It seems to me you are working your way to covering all occasions x:) Gabs

awarded you with 'One Lovely Blog' award


My life with MND said...


I love all of the cards, how about some cute girly ones or maybe ones with animals on.

Pene said...

It's hard Becky cos your cards are all so great but how about, bereavement, retirement, leaving, get divorced? Not all at the same time though lol

Love the new cards
Pene x

Sam said...

Hi, I like your "Love to" range of postcards and would love to see these on cards aswell. My favourite is the sewing machine design I think this would look great on one of your mugs and your notebooks.


Crafted by Carly said...

Wow! This is hard - you cover most things already. But what about graduation cards, or passing exam cards? Thank you cards and invitations may also go down well.

Vintage from the Village said...

Please can we have change of address postcards please?
Best wishes - we love it all !
Sue x

madebymum said...

new address and wedding cards please.

CarrotyCarrots said...

What a great competition! I think you should make packs or sets of cards with a selection of cards for different occasions e.g. Wedding, christening, engagement, thinking of you.