Sunday 25 February 2024

Gallery Week One!!

Ahhhh! Spent the first part of the week on the sofa.....

.....feeling poorly but trying to get better for.....

......week one in the Gallery!!!

I hate being in ill at the best of times, but when you're starting your new role, officially, in the Gallery, it's not the time to be calling in sick! Thankfully it was manageable and as the role isn't physically demanding, I could pace myself. Would have been better without two evening commitments....

.....the Private View on the opening day....

....and a talk by two of the Artists, the following evening.

Snow Artist - Simon Beck

And Susanna Bauer and her delicate 'leaf crochet' work.

It's been nice to have the occasional visit, from a certain someone!!!

All in all, I've had a good week. I've met some lovely people, had some very interesting chats, listened in on a few teacher led discussions, just enjoyed working in an inspirational space and have loved researching the wonderful artists and their work in the exhibition. It would be nice to be a little busier, it can be quite quiet at times but..... as I said to Jeff, I come home happy, not stressed, not anxious, not physically exhausted. A much better working environment.

It's pretty much rained every day, making for a wet walk to work but when the rain has stopped, it's been lovely to take in the beautiful grounds.

'Our Grounds!!!' at home are looking lovely too. 

Each year, Jeff plants a few more bulbs in the lawn and this year, 
they really do add a punch of colour.

It's horrible out today (Sunday), grey, wet, rainy, windy, thoroughly miserable! Did a quick food shop in the morning and intend to spend the rest of the day cosied up indoors. I'm still not 100%, sinus pain, headache, not as bad as last weekend, but it's still lingering. NEED/WANT to feel better and long to feel some warm sunshine. I need to plan out our Italian adventure, think of warmer, sunnier days ahead. This time of year is always the worst. You get the odd glimmer of sunshine but then there's still a month or two of rubbish weather still to come! Anyway two more days off before week two commences, and the start of a new month begins. Have a good week x

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