Friday 10 February 2012

A couple of weeks ago, I received an email from Ali of Cheeky Pickle, asking if I would write a blog post about how dots and spots moved from being a kitchen table hobby into a full time business. She asked me if I would share as much information as I was willing to, in order to help, inspire others to do the same.

I was more than happy to help and think it's a great idea. When I started out, as many of you know, I was still a teacher and it was just a hobby but in 3 and a half years I no longer teach, have over 300 UK stockists and work on dots and spots full time. I was lucky to find one or two helpful people along the way who were willing to help but was surprised and shocked quite frankly, by the number of people who weren't willing to share.

Here is the link to Ali's blog - do subscribe as she has a few more like minded posts in the pipeline. I hope you find it helpful - if it helps only one person then it will have been worth writing and it's always a good process to write and review your own journey and take stock of what you personally have achieved and just how far you have come.


hello gorgeous said...

hey gorgeous, I LOVED the piece... always inspired by your progress! ;o)

have a fab weekend sweetie...


hello gorgeous xxx

SM Charming said...

Congratulations on being featured am off for a nose x

Alchamillamolly said...

What a lovely house you have I have just torn out the pages of the magazine a couple of days ago to put in one of my many files of lovely ideas. Then I was looking through the back site of my blog and noticed a list of people who I had 'joined'!! I hadn't but am having a look through them and lo and behold here you are!
All the best in the future with your business you are an inspiration and how wonderful to have your house in a mag!!

Alchamillamolly said...

Hello again - I left the previous message without reading your blog - which I have just done! - Oh boy - you are doing so well, congratulations, I am now going on the website - Oh dear and I have just had a hernia op so I am stuck on the settee - oh dear indeedy......... I feel a bit embarrassed leaving the first message - you are successful and you haver made it!!

Chandlers Candles said...

Great blog, very inspirational - I hope if I keep working at my business I'll be as successful as you!
Sue x

Victoria said...

Inspirational. Well done. x

Anita Camilla said...

I do love your creations! Have a nice day, Anita Camilla

LITTLE KITTEN homemade said...

A fantastic read and so much information generously offered. Thank you and huge congratulations on your success, very much deserved! xo

Rococo Creations said...

Thank you so much for sharing this with us! And well done on being so successful. I'm a new follower and found your via your Facebook page. I loved your mugs so much i've shared on Pinterest: xx