Monday 8 October 2012

Not on the High Street

Over the weekend we gave a little much needed, overdue attention to our Not on the High Street Store Front. We get so busy with our trade accounts, own website and designing and producing our new products that sometimes something has to give and I'm afraid it has been our NOTHS store.

Historically you were only allowed 30 selling slots but now we are able to have more, we can really showcase what we do and I must say it's looking very bright and cheery.

I also spent a little time over the weekend designing some new Thank You for Shopping postcards for both our website and Not on the High Street store.

Every order receives a little card just to say Thank You.

A successful design session always results in a little mess - I can't throw out a even the smallest scrap of paper so even these leftovers will be sorted through and kept for future projects.


Crafted by Carly said...

Your shop is looking lovely! Very cheery!!!
The thank you for buying cards are a fantasti idea!

dots and spots said...

Thank you - I like designing them - they're a bit of fun

Brightonbirdy said...

So nice to know that you keep all the little scraps too. I've baskets of fabric off cuts as I can't imagine not being able to use them for something. Lovely post as always. X